Prog 5: MicroMotion

We will create a class-wide Rube-Goldberg machine, where each person creates a 3-10 second machine that is triggered when it receives a numbered radio message, and after performing its actions it triggers the next one. (Thanks to Dan Law at Lane Tech for the idea.) Want inspiration? See the trans-Canada microbit Rube Goldberg machine, this machine, or do a google search on cardboard simple machines.

Register & Report

  • Add your name to this list to select your machine number.

  • Once you are done, provide your name, title, picture(s) and code screenshot(s) in this slide deck.


Each element below is worth 1 point.

  1. Radio start & end: Starts 2 seconds after your microbit receives your numbered radio message, and the end of the motion triggers a radio message to the next higher-numbered microbit device. (You can't just have a timer and then trigger the next device through a radio message, it must be the motion that triggers a sensor that in turn triggers the next device!) The 2 second delay and triggering the next device are necessary because we will make a continuous video in class, showing them all one after the other.

  2. Motion: Uses servo to initiate some constant motion that lasts for between 3-10 seconds (E.g. a slot opens to let a metal ball roll down ramps to then complete a circuit, an arm rotates, a wheel spins, a lever moves back and forth, a door opens, hands clap, etc.)

  3. No Human Intervention: Device is triggered, runs, and triggers the next device independently with no human intervention. Make your device robust enough so that it is not "iffy" and it works 10 out of 10 times.

  4. Loop: Microbit program includes a loop that responds to or initiates some action. (E.g. different LED's or sounds light up along with the motion, or loop controls servo motion.)

  5. Dress Rehearsal: Device works reasonably well with minimal intervention at dress rehearsal, ~ 1 week before deadline.

  6. Label: There is an easily legible label with inventor's name and title of the device.

  7. Theme: Device and title express a cohesive theme. Device is decoratively interesting, using design elements of sound, light, shape, layout, color and motion. This point will not be awarded unless the servo and radio triggers are all working.

  8. Slide: Name, title, picture(s) of device and code screenshot(s) are entered by the deadline on a user-selected slide in the slide deck linked above.

There will be up to 2 points of extra credit for those who go above and beyond the requirements, (added 3/19) for instance having multiple modes of motion, multiple components triggering each other, and/or artistic creativity. There will be an additional 1/2 point of extra credit for posting a link on your slide to a video of your device working.

Microbit Code

Each microbit will be triggered by the one before it, will run, and then trigger the next microbit, following each microbit's Sequence Number that is assigned ahead of time to each device. The video below gives an overview of what this looks like, and below the video is a screen shot of the microbit code to use as a starting point for each device. You can download that code at

Microbit code to start it off

Use the link above to download this code. You must change the value in the My Sequence Number variable to be your sequence number. The code increments it when triggering the next device.


The pictured supplies are available in the Break Through Tech (BTT) office, EIB 273.

Supplies: Twist-tie wire, tape, glue guns, blue masking tape, velcro strips, zip ties, string, foil tape, large craft sticks, clothes pins, aluminum foil, popsicle sticks, pulleys, rubber bands, paper straws, paper clips, paper lollipop sticks, steel balls, bamboo skewers, cutting mat, cardboard scissors, gorilla tape, cutting blade.

I recommend construction using cardboard, craft sticks and other paper products with hot glue. This gives you design flexibility with reasonably strong construction.

Feel free to stop by and use the supplies. You can store your creations in our EIB 273 office if you need to. Be sure to put your name on it.

In our EIB 273 office you can also swap out your depleted rechargeable batteries in your microbit battery packs for a fresh set.

As an example, here is a device I built that satisfies most of the requirements.

Modifications for next time we do this assignment (not for the Spring 2022 semester:

  1. Document different building techniques

  2. Have a central microbit trigger all the devices, one at a time, every 10 seconds, rather than trying to get devices to each trigger the next one

  3. Have more glue guns

  4. Encourage the use of manila-folder construction rather than wooden stick construction, as it is much easier

  5. Have continuous rotation servos, not just 0..180 degree servos, for people who want to make different kinds of devices, like a ferris wheel or moving vehicle.

  6. Allow multiple-servo use

  7. Structure assignment for more programming