More able learners in Physical Education may display a selection of the following characteristics:
• Use the body with confidence in differentiated, expressive and imaginative ways
• Good sense of shape, space direction and timing
• Movement is fluent and can be elegant
• High degree of control of their body; good control of gross and fine body movements and can handle objects skilfully
• High degree of motivation and commitment to practice and performance
• Use technical terms effectively, accurately and fluently
• Able to analyse and evaluate their own and others’ work, using results for self-improvement
• High level of understanding of principles of health-related exercise and their application in a variety of activities
• Particularly high levels of fitness for their age
• Specific strengths in particular areas, e.g. games or dance
• Able to perform advanced skills and techniques and transfer skills between activities
• Good decision makers; able to take the initiative; demonstrate autonomy, leadership and independence of thought
• Able to reflect on processes and outcomes to improve performance
• Take risks with ideas and approaches
• Show perseverance and commitment
• Involvement with a range of related extracurricular activities
• Understand the need for effective coaching

NB: In addition to the above characteristics, specific sports and physical activities will have their own list of skills and abilities.