

Why use Dryad?

Dryad aims to make data archiving as simple and as rewarding as possible through a suite of services not necessarily provided by publishers or institutional websites:


  • Dryad welcomes data files associated with any published article in the sciences or medicine, as well as software scripts and other files important to the article.
  • There is no restriction regarding data formats.
  • Dryad works with journals to integrate article and data submission, streamlining the submission process. Once the files are prepared, submission typically takes less than 15 minutes.
  • Dryad provides a single clear and best-practice option for terms of reuse.
  • A curator will check your files for technical problems before they are released.
  • By default, data are embargoed until journal article publication. Dryad makes sure this happens so you do not need to.
  • If it is supported by the policy of the journal, you may, during the submission process, select a ‘no-questions-asked’ embargo on data downloads for one year post-publication. Dryad will support a longer embargo if directed by a journal editor.
  • You are free to provide additional keywords that make the data easier to discover and additional documentation (in the form of README files) to help ensure proper data reuse.
  • You have the ability to add new versions of data files in order to make updates or corrections.
  • Dryad can make data securely available for peer review if the manuscript has been submitted to a participating partner journal.