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BFT Expense Reimbursements
If you purchased anything for the BFT, like breakfast or treats, you need to:
Complete the BFT expense reimbursement Google form
The form will require a picture of the receipt(s)
You also need to send the original receipt(s) to Lacey Dawson at OGE
If you do not complete ALL 3 steps, you will NOT be reimbursed for purchases.
-Insurance Newsletter (May 2024) Open Enrollment & Employee Navigator
-February 7, 2024 General Membership Meeting slideshow with Tentative Agreement information
-Longevity Cheat Sheet: Do I qualify, checking Skyward and longevity pay
-Earned sick and safe time as of Jan. 1, 2024
-Sub & Extra Supervision Pay Cheat Sheet
-Here are directions for checking dues on your paycheck
Relicensure Information
-Renewal Categories 7 Verification Requirements
There is a common misconception that TRA only includes teachers. In reality, it involves people at all levels and locations in education.
TRA does, in fact, stand for Teachers Retirement Association
St. Paul is the only district that does not participate in TRA. St. Paul has it's own pension: SPTRFA
Minneapolis and Duluth used to have their own pension associations, but merged with TRA in 2006 and 2014, respectively, I believe.
In case it goes without saying, I couldn't fit all those different job titles onto a single informational slide. For example, therapists include OT, PT, vision, audiologists, etc. If you're not sure whether or not you qualify for TRA, please contact them (https://minnesotatra.org/).
If you're up for the challenge, pass this info on to people who might benefit from the knowledge.
Source: https://minnesotatra.org/.../Membership-eligibility-10-07...
Feeling anxious, sad, worried or overwhelmed?
Bloomington Public Schools partners with Fairview to provide staff with an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). It is available to all employees and their families. Counselors offer support and guidance for:
-Relationship, parenting and family concerns
-Work-related concerns and work-life balance
-Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Grief
-Conflict management
-Change management
-Financial problems
-Leaves of absence and returning to work
Click here to learn out more about EAP
Substitutes can Join EdMN
The cost for substitute teachers to join Education Minnesota. Check here for more information: Substitute Teacher Membership
Watch School Board meetings on BEC-TV
The Bloomington Retired Education Association welcomes ALL retired Bloomington teachers!
Get BFT group emails
Are you receiving emails from the BFT group? If not, here are directions to request be added to the BFT email group.