Potential Member Information

Why join the BFT?

union - Nicole Elsen.mov

Nicole tells you why she joined the BFT.

We support each other in and out of school.

I choose Union - Kevin Nelson.mov

Kevin tells you why he chose union.

Ready to join the BFT?

Email bftmembership@gmail.com with any membership questions you have.

You can sign up online.  

BFT group emails

Are you receiving emails from the BFT group?  If not, here are directions to request be added to the BFT email group.

Substitute Teachers Can Join EdMN

If you have membership questions, please contact:

Kristine Smallfield at bftmembership@gmail.com

BFT DuesWhat's the cost of membership? 

If you have dues questions, please contact:

Lacey Dawson at bfttreasurer@gmail.com