Our Union
BFT Office: 1350 West 106th Street, Bloomington, MN 55431
BFT President, Wendy Marczak:
phone number: 952-356-5971
email: bftpresident@gmail.com
Union Email Adresses
Union Email Adresses
BFT President: bftpresident@gmail.com
BFT Vice President: bftvicepresident@gmail.com
BFT Treasurer: bfttreasurer@gmail.com
BFT Membership: bftmembership@gmail.com
BFT Settlement Committee: bftsettlement2015@gmail.com
Executive Council, Stewards, Committees
Executive Council, Stewards, Committees
Stay connected with the BFT on Social Media
Stay connected with the BFT on Social Media
As a BFT member, you are also a member of the following organizations:
As a BFT member, you are also a member of the following organizations:
AFT—American Federation of Teachers
NEA—National Education Association
EdMN—education Minnesota
MRLF—Minneapolis regional labor federation
SSIO—South Suburban Intermediate Organization
MAC—Metro Area Council
TRA—Teacher Retirement Association