Gary Siemers Award
The Gary Siemers Exemplary Educator Award is a BFT award inspired by Bloomington mathematics teacher Gary Siemers.
This highly prestigious honor is awarded to teachers that are nominated by their peers and are dedicated to:
High quality student learning
Professional growth
Union involvement
Continuous learning
Past recipients are:
Gary Siemers - 1993-94 (Olson Jr. High/Olson Middle School)
Karolyn Lee - 1994-95 (NH)
Rose Brown - 1995-96 (WW)
Mavis Klefsaas - 1996-97 (OGE)
Gayl Schouveller - 1996-97 (OGE)
Del Holz - 1996-97 (Jefferson)
Marcia Averbrook - 1996-97 (BRAVO!)
Joe Meuwissen - 1997-98 (PB/Jefferson)
Tom Selwold - 1998-99 (Jefferson)
Mary Haltvick - 1999-2000 (Kennedy)
Brenda Armstrong - 2000-01 (Oak Grove Intermediate)
Sharon Traxler - 2001-02 (VVE)
Mickey (Mary) Bloom - 2001-02 (OGMS)
Martie Glockner - 2002-03 (PB)
Lynne Scherer - 2003-04 (IM)
Kelley Spiess - 2004-05 (VVMS)
Carole Hubner Bennett - 2005-06 (WB)
Barb Parrish - 2006-07 (Kennedy)
Lynn Aaze - 2007-08 (IM)
David Dorava - 2008-09 (VVE & Mentor)
Mary Childs - 2009-10 (VVMS)
Deb Dargay - 2010-11 (Jefferson)
Wendy Marczak - 2011-12
Pam Ludvigsen - 2012-13 (OGMS)
Sue Pierson - 2013-14 (OGE)
Aaron Pinski - 2014-15 (KENN)
Molly Geislinger - 2015-16 (OGM)
Ryan Meyering - 2016-17 (JEFF)
Melissa Del Rosario - 2017-18
Lacey Dawson - 2018-19