Bellville ISD Buildings

With the continuing growth of Bellville ISD, our number of buildings has grown along with it!

School Buildings

Bellville Public School House 1881

The School District purchased "Unity Hall', previously used as the German School.  After its remodeling 149 students attended this school.

The building was not ready for the fall of 1881, so the school district rented the Bellville Masonic Hall for $5.00 per month. One hundred and forty nine students attended the school.

Bellville Public School 1904

The new school building opened on April 8, 1904 and students in grades 1-8 and teachers moved in to a  modern new two story building.

The first graduation class had 11 students on June 3, 1904 .

"The aim of the Bellville Graded school 

is to give every boy or girl, who may 

attend it, a solid pathway by which 

he or she may walk from the ignorance 

of an infant to knowledge of the 

primary duties of man and woman hood."

1915 Third Floor Added to Existing Bellville School Building

On Sept. 23, 1915 a new third story was added and an entrance on the front, or east side, as well as an addition to the north side for housing an apparatus for heating the building.  Grade 1-6 were located on the first floor, and 7th to the 11th gradeswere on the second floor. The auditorium was on the Third floor, running the entire length of the building on the east side. The auditorium is equipped for electricity, has a stage with small dressing rooms on either side, and is seated with opera chairs.  Drinking fountains were on each floor. The building was steam heated and had all 'modern conveniences'.  On the opening day, more than 200 children were enrolled. 

In 1918 a new two story building, located at the O'Bryant Field parking lot was dedicated, housing grades one through eleven. Eventually this building would also house Agriculture studies.

New Bellville High School


New Gymnasium

On July 14th, 1936 a grant resolution authorizing BISD to file an application for $50,000 to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a loan and grant to aid in financing the construction of a high school and gymnasium building was passed. 

On July 16th, 1937, the School Board, convened in response to H. F. Granau and thirty-nine others requesting that an election be conducted asking for the issuing of bonds to construct and equip a public free school building and gymnasium in the amount of $50,000. The Board of Trustees who were present, L.F. Weige (President), H. E. Miller, A. T. Clarke, and Lee Eldridge.

The Bond passed with 193 for and 42 against.

O' Bryant Elementary School

O'Bryant Elementary School was Dedicated on March 4, 1958.  The school was named for Jesse O'Bryant, a long time benefactor of the district.  On February 23, 1956 a $330,000 bond election passed and construction began on October 18, 1956.

Bellville High School 1970

West End Rural High School 1953

West End consolidated with BISD in August of 1965 after the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  West End School was built in 1952.  

The building continues to be used for Grade K-5.

Spicer Elementary School 1959

On May 23, 1957 a petition with 114 names was presented to the school board "to investigate the possibility of erecting an adequate elementary school in the western section of Bellville".  The school would replace the present Negro elementary school.  Construction Began on Spicer Elementary School in 1958 then dedicated in 1959.

The school board had $15,000 in bond money for Spicer.  The board decided to borrow $25,000 from the two Bellville banks.  With the $25,000 loan and the $15,000 from bonds, Spicer Elementary was built for $40,000.

Bellville Junior High School

New Junior High Building opened in 1984 and houses grades 6, 7 & 8.

When the new Jr. High opened, grades 4 and 5 moved from the O’Bryant Elementary to the old 1938 high school building and it became the O’Bryant Intermediate campus.

O'Bryant Primary Campus

Built in 1997 to house grades K-3.

Kindergarten was moved from Spicer.

4th and 5th moved from the old 1938 high school building to the O’Bryant Elementary building. 

Other District Buildings

BISD Purchased Naval Reserve Building

On April 7, 1967 Bellville ISD purchased the Naval Reserve Training Facility at 404 E. Main for $1.00 to use as a new Administration Building. 

Agriculture Building

Transportation Building

Brahmas on the Square

In 2022 Bellville ISD purchased the Wells Fargo building.