
Concurso: Prototipos para la inclusión

El día martes 30 de octubre de 2018 se desarrollará el concurso Prototipos para la inclusión durante el evento científico y cultural interuniversitario que se realiza anualmente en la Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito: ECICIENCIA.

Prototipos para la inclusión, tiene como objetivo dar respuesta a una situación que limita el desarrollo de ls actividades cotidianas de una persona en situación de discapacidad, mediante el desarrollo de prototipos que combinen los conocimientos de las diferentes ingenierías y de estudiantes de ciencias de la salud.

Participantes: Grupos de 3 a 5 estudiantes de la Escuela y de otras instituciones de educación superior.

¡Inscribete! Hay plazo hasta el 14 de octubre de 2018.

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Volante Iberdiscap INGLES 2017.pdf


Iberdiscap 2017 is a scientific event that gathers researchers and professionals in the areas of ​​health, engineering and education, who are interested in the development of technology for the inclusion of disabled people.

During the event, advances in methodologies and technological developments in the field of rehabilitation will be shown, providing a complete framework of the improvements generated in assistance technology for people with cognitive and motor impairments.

To this end, research centers and groups, rehabilitation centers, special education institutions, universities, students and representatives of companies that develop assistance technology and rehabilitation in the field of disability are convened.

Summer School at the Colombian School of Engineering: Modern Rehabilitation Engineering - 05/06/2017

Robotic rehabilitation therapies have emerged as a new technique when aiding people with motor disabilities recover the lost control. Some of its benefits include: being able to perform precise and repetible therapeutic procedures, the therapist physical exercises reduction and the compilation of data to enhance the sessions and evaluate the results of the patients, among others. In this course, important design and assistive technology evaluation concepts will be presented, based on the speakers experiences and current research results presented in the state of art in this area.

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Submission Accepted for ICORR and Clawar

Researchers from our Center, in collaboration with our partners got the approval for the publication of 3 conference paper in 2 well-known International Robotics Conferences.

In July 2017, in London - England, the 15th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) will take place and 2 papers from our Center were accepted to appear:

In September 2017, in Porto - Portugal, the 20th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR) will be realized and an other paper from our Center was accepted to appear:

Workshop on HRI - 04/04/2017

The Workshop on Human-Robot Interaction took place on Tuesday April 4. at the Colombian School of Engineering and was attended by more than 30 students and teachers. Among the work topics, the robots Nao and Pioneer LX were studied. PhD student Bahar Irfan explained the programming bases of the robot Nao using Choregraphe Suite and Python, while Eng. Jonathan Casas and Biomedical Eng. Student Sergio Sierra gave an introduction to the Robot Operating System (ROS) and the Pioneer LX research platform.

Attendees learned how to program movement and voice routines in the Robot Nao as well as to simulate the TurtleBot and Pioneer P3AT Robots, and run teleoperation nodes of the Pioneer LX Robot. Also, a section of the workshop was dedicated to explain the structure of ROS, its operation and utilities.

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Social Robotics & Rehabilitation Meeting - 31/03/2017

On Friday March 31. a meeting was held at the University of La Sabana Clinic, in the context of development of the "Human-Robot Interaction Strategies for Rehabilitation based on Socially Assistive Robotics" project, which was attended by some of our Center's researchers, the two invited researchers from Plymouth University and some members of the Clinic.



The meeting began with an intervention by the General Director of the Sabana Clinic Dr. Juan G. Ortiz, who gave an introduction to the Clinic and the meeting attendees. Subsequently, Prof. Dr. Carlos A. Cifuentes presented an introduction to the project, which was preceded by the talk "Perspectives of Social Robotics" and a demonstration by PhD. Students Bahar Irfan and Emmanuel Senft. After that, Prof. Dr. Marcela Múnera talked about "Results of a Survey of Cognitive Aspects of Therapy with Lokomat" and finally, the student of Biomedical Engineering, Juan Lara, presented "Observations during Therapy with Lokomat and Proposal of a Human-Robot Interface"

Young Researchers and Innovators

The research group of the Biomedical Engineering Program, GiBiome, received the funding of two young researchers from the call "Young Researchers and Innovators in SENA 2016 alliance" of Colciencias, to support research projects currently being carried out.

Juan Sebastián Lara Ramírez (Right) and Luis Felipe Aycardi Cuellar (Left) are the students who were selected because of their excellent abilities and scientific curiosity. They are studying the last semesters of the Biomedical Engineering Program and will develop their research activities in the our lab.

Head of Our Center Publishes a Book

Carlos Andrés Cifuentes García, professor of the Biomedical Engineering Program, recently received the publication of his book "Human-Robot Interaction Strategies for Walker-Assisted Locomotion", by Springer publishing house, ISBN: 978-3-319- 34062-3 (Print) 978-3-319-34063-0 (Online).

The book collects the main results of its doctoral thesis, which was developed over nearly four years. Due to the impact on the state of the art, novelty and relevance in the development of new technologies, his book was selected to be published as a book of the STAR series (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics); specialized in the latest advances in the field of robotics in the world.

Book Summary

This book presents the development of a new human-robot multimodal interface to evaluate and validate control strategies applied to robotic walkers, which will be used to assist mobility and rehabilitation of human gait. The aim of this approach is to achieve a closer interaction between the robotic device and the individual, boosting the potential for rehabilitation of these devices in clinical applications. The book also discusses the trends and opportunities for future advances in the field of assisted locomotion, through the development of hybrid solutions based on the combination of smart walkers and biomechanical exoskeletons.

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  • Juridical Personality 086, January 19th, 1973. High quality institutional accreditation.
  • Resolution 20273, November 27th, 2014. (Valid for 4 years).
  • Supervised by the National Ministry of Education.
  • Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia
  • © 2015 Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito