Workshop on HRI


Introduction to Human-Robot interaction

Programming NAO robot and Pioneer LX Research Platform

Robotics is rapidly expanding into human environments and vigorously engaged in its new challenges. Interacting with, assisting, serving, and exploring with humans, the emerging robots will increasingly touch people and their lives. This workshop will present and introduce some relevant tools to develop software for robotics, such as: Choregraphe and ROS. We will program applications related to human-robot interaction for Nao robot and Pioneer LX Research Platform.


Classroom A-301


April 4th


2:30 pm

1. programming nao robot

This workshop concentrates on learning how to program NAO robots made by SoftBank Robotics, through Choregraphe software and Python. Example programs include text-to-speech, motion creation, sensors and stimuli detection.

Speaker: PhD. Student Bahar Irfan


  1. Create a free SoftBank Robotics account here:
    • Click “Sign In” at the top of the page and click “Sign Up” from that page (you might need to allow pop-up windows in your computer), that will load the sign up form.
  2. Go to the Downloads->NAO V5&V4 page or simply this link:
  3. You can see the Choregraphe License Key in that page
  4. Download Choregraphe 2.1.4, instructions:
  5. Start Choregraphe and enter license key
  6. Download Python 2.7 (depending on your system) and Python 2.7 SDK 2.1.4 (on NAO V5&V4 page -> Other SDKs and utilities)according to your system requirements, instructions:
  7. Test the software at least once before coming to the class!
  8. Any problems? Send a mail to:

2. pioneer lx research platform

In the second part of this workshop you are going to learn about the Robotics Operative System (ROS) and how to interact with the robot Pioneer LX research platform. Furthermore, fundamentals of mapping and navigation will be covered, as well as external sensors integration.

Speakers: Jonathan Casas & Sergio Sierra


  1. You will need a computer working with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Recommended) or a virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Make sure you have at least 100 GB of free space.
  2. Please install ROS Indigo following the instructions listed in this link: In the section 1.4 follow the instruction for Desktop-Full Install
  3. In order to establish the communication with robot, you are going to need Putty SSH Client. Install it by running from Terminal (Ubuntu - Check your internet connection):
    • $ sudo apt-get update
    • $ sudo apt-get upgrade
    • $ sudo apt-get install putty
  4. You will need the teleoperation package ( Download it by cloning this repository as follows (Check your internet connection):
    • $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    • $ git clone
    • $ git clone
    • $ cd ..
    • $ catkin_make
    • Note: Running catkin_make will arise an error because it is missing Aria.h library, but cloning rosaria package let us supply some dependencies from rosaria_client package. In order to solve this error, run the following lines:
    • $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    • $ sudo rm -r rosaria
    • $ cd ..
    • $ catkin_make
  5. Download the MobileRobots ROS files from: Clone this repository by running (Check your internet connection):
    • $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    • $ git clone
  6. If you have any questions, send a mail to:

Optional: Install Terminator to be able to work in different Terminals.

    • $ sudo apt-get install terminator


Previous Work Tutorials


Programming Nao Robot


Programming Pioneer LX Research Platform

Introduction to Human-Robot Interaction.pdf

Post-Workshop Practice Activities

Nao Robot

1. Create a 10 second dance for Nao (Choose a colombian music) on Choregraphe for virtual robot. The robot should start dancing, when the right bumper (bumper on the right foot) is touched.

Hint: To simulate a touch on the virtual robot, double click on onEvent output of the respective box (i.e. the box for understanding the touch) and enter 1 as value.

Bonus points: The robot should play a song during the dance.

2. Using a Python file (NOT Choregraphe), take a picture when a face is detected. Save the picture on the folder where the file is located. The robot should say “Let me take a picture of you”, when a face is detected. This would need to be run on a real robot, so make sure your code is running properly, otherwise no points will be granted.

Pioneer LX Research Platform

1. Using Gazebo simulate the turtlebot. Visualize the nodes and topics graphic using rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph, identify the velocity topic and publish to it different values from Terminal (Use rostopic pub).

2. Simulate Pioneer 3at robot using Gazebo and generate the transformations graphic running from Terminal: rosrun tf view_frames. Modify the teleop node (Located in ~/catkin_ws/src/rosaria_client/src) in order to modify the velocity steps. Make the node increase the velocity by duplicating its previous value. Also, change the teleoperation keys to W A S D.

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  • Contact center: +57(1) 668 3600
  • National toll-free number: 018000112668
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  • Juridical Personality 086, January 19th, 1973. High quality institutional accreditation.
  • Resolution 20273, November 27th, 2014. (Valid for 4 years).
  • Supervised by the National Ministry of Education.
  • Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia
  • © 2015 Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito