Summer School



Robotics services is a field of research that has become popular in recent years, and covers a wide range of scenarios such as: robots as interactive guides or robots for domestic purposes. Furthermore, according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), domestic service robots will increase by 35 million units between 2015 and 2018.

Currently several research projects focus on robots to help seniors, people with disabilities and robots for rehabilitation therapies. In this scenario, mobile robots are expected to be to cover a wide range of applications, such as hospital support, rehabilitation devices and elderly assistance.

Main Goal

The objective of this course is to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for the understanding of robotic mobile systems and the design of control systems that allow the achieving of navigational objectives, and coordination in free environments and with obstacles, taking into account the interaction with humans.

Participants Profile

Professors, undergraduate and graduate students and engineering professionals interested in designing real applications based on mobile robots.


Module I: Introduction and Motivations (1 hrs)

Module II: Models and Identification (2 hrs)

Module III: Basic Controllers (6 hrs)

Module IV: Motion Control in Hallways (1 hrs)

Module V: Control of Robot Formation (4 hrs)

Module VI: Human Robot Interaction (4 hrs)

Module VII: Applications (4 hrs)

Total duration: 22 hours.


Prof. Dr. Ricardo Carelli

Prof. Dr. Carlos A. Cifuentes

Date & Location

This Summer School took place at the Colombian School of Engineering, between June 30. and July 24., 2016.


  • AK.45 No.205-59 (North Highway)
  • Contact center: +57(1) 668 3600
  • National toll-free number: 018000112668
  • Detailed information at:
  • Juridical Personality 086, January 19th, 1973. High quality institutional accreditation.
  • Resolution 20273, November 27th, 2014. (Valid for 4 years).
  • Supervised by the National Ministry of Education.
  • Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia
  • © 2015 Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito