
Alumni Talk

Invited Talk on

Recent Trends & Opportunities in Biochemistry

• The Department of Biochemistry organized a lecture for biochemistry students on June 2, 2023. 

• Dr. Madhu Babu shared insights into recent advances in biochemistry.  He also provided information on diverse employment opportunities for biochemistry students in universities as well as industries.

• Our students had a conversation and asked a number of questions. He answered every question with patience.

Invited talk on Career opportunities in Life Sciences at

Sliver Jubilee Degree College

Report on Invited Talk on Career Opportunities in Life Science at Silver Jubilee College by Dr. C. S. Sreenivasa Rao


   Silver Jubilee College hosted a compelling invited talk on "Career Opportunities in Life Science" featuring Dr. C. S. Sreenivasa Rao as the esteemed speaker. The event aimed to provide students with valuable insights into the dynamic and evolving landscape of careers in life sciences.

Speaker Profile:

   Dr. C. S. Sreenivasa Rao is a distinguished expert in the field of Biochemistry, with a rich background in both teaching and research. Holding Doctoral degree in Cancer Biology, Dr. Rao has contributed significantly to the field through research, teaching, and various leadership roles.

Talk Highlights:

1. Holistic Overview of Life Sciences:

   Dr. Rao commenced the talk with a comprehensive overview of life sciences, highlighting its interconnectedness with various scientific disciplines and its impact on solving real-world problems.

2. Cutting-Edge Research and Innovations:

   The speaker delved into recent advancements and groundbreaking research within the life sciences domain, inspiring students to consider research-oriented career paths and the potential for contributing to scientific discoveries.

3. Academic and Professional Development Opportunities:

   Dr. Rao provided valuable insights into academic paths, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning. He discussed various avenues for professional development, including pursuing higher education, certifications, and skill enhancement.

4. Industry Dynamics and Opportunities:

   A significant portion of the talk focused on the diverse career opportunities within the industry. Dr. Rao shared his experiences and insights into the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and healthcare sectors, providing students with a realistic perspective on the industry's demands.

5. Entrepreneurship and Innovation:

   An intriguing aspect of the talk was Dr. Rao's exploration of entrepreneurship and innovation in life sciences. He shared success stories and encouraged students to consider entrepreneurial ventures as a viable and rewarding career option.


6. Soft Skills and Networking:

   The speaker emphasized the importance of developing soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability. Dr. Rao also provided practical advice on building a strong professional network within the life sciences community.


   Dr. C. S. Sreenivasa Rao's invited talk on career opportunities in life science at Silver Jubilee College was a tremendous success. His expertise, coupled with engaging insights, provided students with a holistic understanding of the field and inspired them to explore diverse career paths. The event served as a catalyst for students to envision their futures in life sciences, fostering motivation and enthusiasm for their academic and professional journeys.

Invited Talk on World Health Day at St. Joseph’s Degree College 

·  St. Joseph's Degree College celebrated World Health Day with an insightful invited talk on "Health and Nutrition" organized by the NSS wing. Dr. C. S. Sreenivasa Rao, a distinguished resource person, shared valuable insights into the crucial aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Speaker Profile:

·  Dr. C. S. Sreenivasa Rao, an expert in the field of Biochemistry, brought a wealth of knowledge to the event. With Doctoral dgree, Dr. Rao has been actively involved in promoting health awareness and contributing to research in the domain.

Talk Highlights:

1. Significance of World Health Day:

·  Dr. Rao commenced the talk by highlighting the importance of World Health Day, emphasizing the global commitment to promoting health and well-being.

2. Foundations of a Healthy Lifestyle:

·  The speaker delved into the fundamentals of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, covering topics such as balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep.

3. Nutritional Awareness:

·  Dr. Rao provided valuable insights into the role of nutrition in maintaining optimal health. He discussed the importance of a well-balanced diet, micronutrients, and the impact of food choices on overall well-being.

4. Preventive Healthcare:

·  The talk addressed the significance of preventive healthcare measures. Dr. Rao shared practical tips on disease prevention, immunizations, and regular health check-ups.

5. Mental Health and Well-being:

·  An integral part of the discussion focused on mental health. Dr. Rao highlighted the interconnectedness of mental and physical health, offering guidance on stress management and emotional well-being.

6. Community Engagement and Social Responsibility:

·  Dr. Rao emphasized the role of individuals in promoting community health. He discussed the importance of community engagement, health education, and social responsibility in creating a healthier society.

Organizing Committee and NSS Wing:

·  The NSS wing of St. Joseph's Degree College, under the guidance of Venkat sir, played a pivotal role in organizing the event. The committee ensured the smooth execution of the program, creating a platform for students to gain valuable insights into health and nutrition.


·  The Invited Talk on World Health Day at St. Joseph's Degree College, featuring Dr. C. S. Sreenivasa Rao, was a resounding success. The event not only marked the global commitment to health but also empowered students with knowledge and awareness essential for leading healthier lives.

·  The NSS wing's efforts in organizing the talk contributed significantly to the college's mission of fostering a culture of well-being and social responsibility among its students.