Word study on "Gospel"

Various Scriptures (Full Service; Sermon)

(November 14, 2021)

Is the "gospel" just a noun, or is it a verb?  A back-to-basics message on putting the gospel into action.

A mistake with the audio settings caused caused the recording to cut in and out when slides were on screen, the basic message still comes across clearly.


Various Scriptures (Full Svc; Sermon only)

(January 10, 2021)

We end our prayers with "Amen," but what does that word mean?  Journey through the Old and New Testaments to see four ways "Amen" is used, and see its influence on how we worship, speak, listen, and pray.

Jump to sermon at 13:27.

Note: Video of Rep. Emanuel Cleaver's prayer is courtesy of C-SPAN, used under public domain for US Congressional proceedings -- https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4932776/user-clip-congressman-cleaver-delivers-opening-prayer-117th-congress 

New Years

Various Scriptures (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(January 3, 2021)

Are you ready to receive all God has for you?  This message looks at one New Testament word that means "ready to receive," challenging us to welcome four different things God intends to bring into our lives.

Jump to sermon at 26:50.

Dive deeper with this Study Guide on how the Greek word "prosdechomai" is used in the New Testament.  

Four-Letter Words

1Corinthians 6:9-11 (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(March 17, 2024)

Paul used a four-letter word to describe how God transforms sinners into saints -- WERE.  Learn to walk in the new life God has given you in Jesus.