Ezekiel #1

Ezekiel 1:1-28  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(April 21, 2024)

Ezekiel, like many who see God's glory, shows us the right response to an encounter with God -- fall flat on your face before him.  Is humble worship your response when God reveals himself to you?  

This message lays the first of three stones to build a foundation for our study of the Old Testament book of Ezekiel.

Ezekiel #2

Ezekiel 2:1--3:15  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(April 28, 2024)

Ezekiel was called to speak to an unreceptive people.  God's call on each of us is to deliver his message regardless of whether people will listen or not.  The question isn't, "Am I called?" but "Will I go?"

This message lays the second and third foundation stones for our study of of Ezekiel.

Ezekiel #3

Ezekiel 3:16-27  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(May 5, 2024)

The watchman's job is two-fold: WATCH for danger and WARN of danger.  God holds us accountable for passing along his message, no matter how people respond.  Are you a faithful watchman?

This message lays the third and final foundation stone for our study of of Ezekiel.

Ezekiel #4

Ezekiel 3:16-27  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(May 19, 2024)

God communicates through more than just words.  All his messages are completely consistent, and he backs up every single one -- both his warnings of judgment and his promises of blessing.  Are you paying attention?

Ezekiel #5

Ezekiel 6-7  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(May 26, 2024)

God always keeps his word, both his promises of blessings for the obedient and his warnings about judgment for the wicked.  The coming disaster should motivate us to obey and spread his message.

Ezekiel #6


Ezekiel 8-9  (Notes)

(June 9, 2024)

God demands our pure and undivided loyalty.  When Israel strayed into idolatry, God promised to punish this detestable practice -- and God always keeps his word!

Due to technical problems, there is no recording of the service or the sermon.

Ezekiel #7

Ezekiel 10-11  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(June 16, 2024)

When it comes to God's glory, he doesn't share well!  Israel demonstrates that he abides with those who love him, but he will not cohabitate with idols.  Is there anything in your life competing for your devotion to him alone?  

Ezekiel #8

Ezekiel 10-11  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(June 23, 2024)

God is always faithful to his covenant, both to bless those who keep it and curse those who don't.  God wants you to know him and the blessing of walking according to his laws and promises.  Are you in covenant with him?

** Apologies for the poor audio quality of this recording. **

Ezekiel #9

Ezekiel 13:1-23  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(June 30, 2024)

Not all who claim to speak for God are sent by God. Learn how to identify false teachers and counter their destructive message.

Ezekiel #10

Ezekiel 14:1-23  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(July 7, 2024)

Prayer is affected more by our heart than by our words.  It is essential that we examine our lives for idols that offend God and bring his judgment on us.

Tide commercial: "Silence the Stain"

Ezekiel #11

Ezekiel 15-16  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(July 14, 2024)

Idolatry is so offensive that God compares it to a wife leaving her husband and becoming a sex-crazed prostitute.  Such extreme sin requires an equally extreme (and costly) solution -- and God loves us enough to pay that price.

Ezekiel #12

Ezekiel 17  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(July 21, 2024)

When God's discipline comes, do you receive it or resist it?  Submission is the path to survival, and humility is the way to restoration.  What will be your response?