Friends in Low Places #1

Luke 7:30-50  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(January 21, 2024)

Jesus earned a reputation as a "friend of sinners."  He didn't avoid those in need; instead he moved to engage them.  Learn from a party-crasher how the love of Jesus can transform a life for eternity.

Friends in Low Places #2

Luke 5:27-32; 19:1-10  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(January 28, 2024)

Sometimes great wealth can mask great need.  Jesus reached out to both the poor and the rich, even professional sinners like tax collectors.  Are you moving toward those in need?

Friends in Low Places #3

John 4:3-42  (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(February 4, 2024)

Our felt needs are not always our deepest needs.  Jesus redirects our desires to that which is most essential -- and then he satisfies those desires.

Friends in Low Places #4

Mark 1:40-45 (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(February 11, 2024)

Are you feeling sick, dirty, or tainted?  While many recoil from the sick, Jesus moved toward them.  A man with leprosy teaches us how to approach Jesus and receive the healing He wants to give.

Video interview with Philip Yancey used by permission of InterVarsity Press.

Friends in Low Places #5

John 8:2-11 (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(February 18, 2024)

Many sinners are used to stones of condemnation being hurled at them.  Jesus shows us our hands should not be full of rocks, but holding a mirror.

Friends in Low Places #6

Luke 15:1-32 (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(February 25, 2024)

God is overjoyed when even one lost sinner is found, and he calls us to rejoice with him.  Jesus' parables about four lost valuables show us God's heart for the lost -- the kind of heart we need.

Friends in Low Places #7

Luke 15:1-32 (Full Service; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(March 3, 2024)

Jesus was asked, "Who is my neighbor?"  He answered with the parable of the Good Samaritan, showing that there is a better question: "How can I be a neighbor?"