Bible Study Groups

We have four opportunities to study the scriptures in community with others.

Sunday School

Sundays 9:30-10:15am

Fellowship Hall (in church basement)

A scripture-centered interactive discussion led by John Ruble (elder).

Wednesday Night Study

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm

Upstairs classroom (behind baptistry)

An deep dive with Pastor Adam Carrigan into the text/topic for the upcoming Sunday's sermon.  This interactive discussion brings out much more detail than on Sundays, and we take time to chase down the questions on your mind -- all from the scriptures.  

Participate on-site or via Zoom

Ladies Morning Study

Tuesdays 10:30-noon

Fellowship Hall (in church basement)

Ladies gather for a time of fellowship and study.  

Men's Leadership Study

Tuesdays 10:30-noon

Upstairs classroom (behind baptistry)

We are currently examining how to engage a culture in chaos with the truth of the gospel.  Using the book We Will Not Be Silenced by Erwin Lutzer.

General Tool Kit for Learning God's Word

Below are resources to help you get to know God better by reading his message to us -- The Bible.

Investigative Bible Study -- Three basic steps to help you properly understand (and start obeying) anything you read in the Bible.

Baptism Study -- Learn what the Bible says about who should be baptized, why we are baptized, and how we do it.  

Salvation in Christ Alone? -- Do you have to hear about Jesus in order to be saved?  This short Bible study shows the answer is a clear "Yes!"

How to do a Word Study -- Step-by-Step instructions using the free resources on

YouVersion Bible App for reading and studying the Bible on your computer or mobile device.

BibleGateway has numerous online resources for Bible reading and study.

The Bible Project offers dozens of short videos explaining books of the Bible, theological topics, and Biblical words.