Judges #1

Judges 2:7-15 (Full Svc; Sermon only)

(August 2, 2020)

"Back in my day..." We've all heard older folks say this, followed by a lament of how things have changed. How can we make sure what's most important -- our faith -- is handed down unchanged to those who follow us? This message gives practical steps we can take to help the generations after us to know and follow God. (Message starts at 20:41).

Books mentioned:

* God's Smuggler (by Brother Andrew)

* For the Love of My Brothers (by Brother Andrew)

Judges #2

Judges 1-2 (Full Svc; Sermon only)

(August 9, 2020)

Partial obedience is disobedience. Judges 1-2 shows the consequences when we only obey part-way. (Message starts at 25:16).

Judges #3

Judges 3:7-31 (Full Svc; Sermon only)

(August 16, 2020)

When God calls you, he will provide everything you need to accomplish the mission. Depend on his power, make a wise plan, and use what he places in your hand. (Message starts at 21:00).

Judges #4

Judges 4:1--5:31 (Special Music; Sermon only)

(August 23, 2020)

God's call comes with God's blessings. How you respond to that call can determine which blessings you receive and which you forfeit. Learn from Barak the importance of answering well (Judges 4-5).

NOTE: To abide by copyright law, some musical portions of our service could not be published online.

Judges #5

Judges 6:11-24 (Full Svc; Sermon only)

(June 7, 2020)

Who do you think you aren't? If God chooses you, then you are who he says you are, and you can do what he calls you to do.

Judges #6

Judges 6:25-32 (Full Svc; Sermon only)

(June 14, 2020)

Before we can fix the painful consequences of our sin, we need to remove the root cause. Just as God called Gideon to demolish idolatry at home, we also need to remove the idols from our lives.

Resources referenced in this sermon:

Judges #7

Judges 6:33--7:22 (Full Svc; Sermon Only)

(June 21, 2020)

What does it take for you to believe God? Gideon repeatedly asked for signs before he would step forward into God's calling. What about you? Is God's word enough, or do you need a miraculous sign to convince you?

Judges #8

(June 28, 2020)

The smallest things can trip you up and bring you down. This look at Judges 8 shows how Gideon won the war, but he lost the victory. It is a warning for us to stay vigilant so we are not snared as well.

Photo credit: The National Archives.

Judges #9

Judges 9:1-21 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(August 30, 2020)

Underhanded politicians and ugly campaigns are nothing new. In Judges 9 we learn how to discern the truth and respond with boldness when the ungodly rise to power.

(Sermon starts at 20:30)

Judges #10

Judges 9:22-57 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(September 6, 2020)

Even when evil people are in power, know that God is at work behind the scenes. The downfall of Abimelech (Judges 9:22-57) shows that God always judges sin.

(Sermon starts at 19:42)

Judges #11

Judges 10:6-16 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(September 13, 2020)

You can choose your god, but choose carefully. Most fail to deliver on their promises. Israel learned this the hard way. Fortunately, Yahweh provided a rescue from their foolish choices.

(Sermon starts at 20:14)

Judges #12

Judges 11:1-40 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(September 20, 2020)

Your life can be a canvas on which is painted a picture of God. The portrait of Jephthah shows us who God is and what he still does today.

(Sermon starts at 20:16)

Judges #13

Judges 13:1-23 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(October 4, 2020)

God may not give us as much detail as we want, but he always gives us enough so we can obey. Samson's parents show us how to respond when God's will lacks the specifics we desire. (Sermon starts at 19:15)

NOTE: The service ends with a celebration of communion, which is included on the recording.

Judges #14

Judges 14:1-20 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(October 11, 2020)

Is your strength measured in muscles, or in your ability to conquer the desires raging within you? Only God's Spirit gives power to win that inner battle. (Sermon starts at 21:08)

NOTE: Domino video courtesy of Dr Stephen Morris, University of Toronto. Used with permission.

Judges #15

Judges 15:1-20 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(October 18, 2020)

THIRST -- Embrace it as a God-given desire that leads you meet true needs in a God-honoring manner. Samson shows us how to do this well (and not-so-well).

Jump to sermon at 16:15

Credit for jackal photo used in sermon: "File:Golden jackal female.jpg" by Artemy Voikhansky is licensed with CC BY-SA 3.0.

Judges #16

Judges 16:1-31 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(October 25, 2020)

Step on the gas, and you expect to move. Samson shows us that a loss of power can be very costly. Learn how to walk in the strength God provides.

Jump to sermon at 16:06

Judges #17

Judges 17:1--18:31 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(November 1, 2020)

Faith isn't a buffet where we pick and choose our preferred blend of beliefs. Stray from God's word, and you get a DIY religion that wreaks havoc in every sphere of life.

Jump to sermon at 20:14

Judges #18

Judges 19:1-30 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(November 8, 2020)

What does it take to shock you? How bad do things have to be before you are provoked to action? Look with us into Judges 19, one of the most shocking passages in the entire Bible.

Jump to sermon at 24:30.

Judges #19

Judges 20:1-46 (Full Service; Sermon Only)

(November 15, 2020)

Sin spreads like an invasive species, corrupting lives and destroying whole communities. Judges 20 displays the price we pay when we allow sin to remain among us.

Jump to sermon at 21:31.

Videos about murder hornets: Extended explanation on CBS Sunday Morning (5:56); vacuum extermination on KING5 News (1:24).

Judges #20

Judges 21:1-25 (View Sermon)

(November 22, 2020)

The oath you make binds you to a course of action. If you find yourself chained to words you've spoken, there is One who holds the key to your freedom. This look at Judges 21 shows the costly consequences when your mouth outruns your head.

NOTE: This sermon is delivered remotely during the COVID pandemic.