Wilderness University #1

Exodus 2:11-25 (Audio & Notes)

(January 13, 2019)

The one school no one wants to attend, but the one where we are all enrolled at one time or another.  Look at the lessons God teaches us on the tough trek through the desert.

Wilderness University #3

Exodus 7:1-16 (Audio & Notes)

(February 3, 2019)

"Is God really among us, or not?"  It's a question prompted by our pain, by our fear.  Explore the reality of God's presence in our lives, even in our times of need.

Photo shared during the sermon: Iwo Jima

Wilderness University #4

Exodus 19-20 (Audio & Notes)

(February 10, 2019)

God reveals himself to us for a right response from us.  "Do not be afraid, for God has come... in order that the fear of him may remain with you..." (Exodus 20:20).

Wilderness University #5

Exodus 24, 32 (Audio & Notes)

(February 17, 2019)

You can't shrink God down into something manageable.  You might not be tempted to bow to a gold statue, but beware of the idols you cast by holding a wrong view of God.   

Wilderness University #6

Exodus 33-34 (Audio & Notes)

(February 24, 2019)

When you spend time in the presence of God, it not only changes you, but it will have an effect on those around you.  Come to your tent of meeting and ask God to reveal his glory to you!

Wilderness University #7

Numbers 13:1--14:10 (Audio & Notes)

(March 3, 2019)

When God brings you right to the edge of your Promised Land, will you embrace it by believing his promises, or will you have to re-enroll in Wilderness University?

Wilderness University #8

Numbers 14:11-25 (Audio & Notes)

(March 10, 2019)

The better you know God, the more effective you will be in prayer.  Look at  Moses' prayer of intercession, and learn how you can become a person of powerful prayer!

Wilderness University #9

Numbers 14:26-45 (Audio & Notes)

(March 17, 2019)

Where you're going is not as important as who you are pursuing.  Are you just going toward God's promises, or are you following Him into those promises?  

Wilderness University -- Bonus message

Exodus 13:17--14:4 (Full Svc, Sermon, Audio & Notes)

(March 14, 2024)

When in crisis, our natural response is, "Why me?" and "How can I get out of this mess?"  But the right question is, "How can God get glory from this situation?"  Asking the right question can make the difference between stress and peace.