Unlocking Prayer #1

James 4:1-10 (Audio & Notes)

(March 24, 2019)

Have unanswered prayers?  Feel blocked out from God?  James helps us open the locks that keep us from praying effectively.

Unlocking Prayer #2

Luke 11:1-4 (Audio & Notes)

(March 31, 2019)

A disciple's simple request, "Teach us to pray...", led  Jesus' to give us a model for how to talk with God.  Traditionally called The Lord's Prayer, but in reality it is The Disciples' Prayer -- a pattern each of should follow in our interaction with God.

[The flag referenced can be viewed here.]      

Unlocking Prayer #3

Luke 11:5-13 (Audio & Notes)

(April 7, 2019)

Jesus gives two little stories that show us how we are to approach our heavenly Father in prayer.

Unlocking Prayer #4

Selected passages from Acts (Audio & Notes)

(April 28, 2019)

When followers of Jesus unite in prayer, we have the promise of both his presence and of answered prayer.  This look at the book of Acts challenges us to not just be a people who pray, but to be a people of prayer!

[Opening song: Somebody Touched the Lord.  Also, there was a testimony time in the middle of this message that is not reproduced on the recording.]

Unlocking Prayer #5

John 17 (Audio & Notes)

(May 5, 2019)

Jesus' glory is revealed to you, in you, and through you.  Learn what you (and we) can do to shine his light into the dark world around us.

Unlocking Prayer #6

1Samuel 1:1-28 (Audio & Notes)

(May 12, 2019)

When your heart is breaking and no one is able to help you, pour out your heart to God in prayer.   Though given on Mother's Day, this message is for anyone dealing with a painful problem.

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Various Scriptures (Audio & Notes)

(November 3, 2019)

Thousands of Christians are martyred every year, and millions more are suffering other forms of persecution.  This message opens our eyes to the struggle and gives practical ways we can "remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated... " (Heb 13:3).

The message included two videos (not on this recording), both about North Korea: Sang-Chul about the risks of witnessing, and one about Bible smuggling.

Additional Resources:

Stand Alone Sermon

Various Scriptures (Full Svc; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(September 11, 2022)

Some conversations are best had on-on-one.  Will you enter the prayer closet, close the door, and receive all he has for you?

Stand Alone Sermon

Hebrews 6:16 (Full Svc; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(November 6, 2022)

Some conversations are best had on-on-one.  Will you enter the prayer closet, close the door, and receive all he has for you?

Stand Alone Sermon

Isaiah 62:1-12 (Full Svc; Sermon; Audio; Notes)

(November 6, 2022)

When God gives you a name, that is your identity.  Isaiah 62 shows that we are called to live out that identity, and to pray for others to live out their new God-given name.