Just Another Knife Crime

Launched 11th April 2022

The latest crime novel from Bernie Fazakerley Publications gives a younger generation of detectives to shine. As time has gone on, my original protagonists are getting older and it's becoming less plausible that they would still be in the thick of criminal investigations, rather than putting their feet up in retirement. So, here we have Jonah's trusty sergeant, Andy Lepage, taking on his first murder investigation since being promoted to Detective Inspector. As luck would have it, the victim turns out to have an unexpected personal connection to our hero, and he finds himself struggling with conflicts of interest and mixed emotions.

To celebrate this new departure, I’m experimenting with a new look for the cover.  I've tried to keep a familiar "feel" while making a distinction between these books and the Bernie Fazakerley Mysteries. The plan is to make this the first of a series of stories starring Anna Davenport and Andy Lepage.

You can order all editions  using the links under the cover inage.

If you prefer to buy from your local bookstore, you can order using these ISBNs:

Paperback: 978-1-911083-84-9

Large Print Hardback: 978-1-911083-85-6