Positive Attitude

  1. How did i show positive attitude on camp?

By helping others out, Cooking for others, Using positive language and Shared with others. Listening sometimes through and out the day, And that one time i slept in. Bringing and buying a tent for my group, Bringing the food and cooking. Brought 6 pack of raspberry drinks for a group of two. I had a great time and looking forward to go again some other time.

  1. How have i shown a positive attitude in other areas in life?

Sharing to others, making them laugh and all of this is just beyond being supportive. Help my mum around the house chores. Help my little brother with his Homework. Looking out for other and let ladies first. Ask people if their okay when i know they are.

  1. How can having a positive attitude effect my…

  • Physical well being? It will take you lot of places.

  • Social? Many other people would like you more.

  • Spirtitual? Makes me into my spirtitual belif more.

  • Mental+Emotinal well being? Helps me foucs in my emotions more.