
  1. What grade do you want to achieve for our confidence unit?

CL. 4E

  1. How will you achieve this grade? Give exaples.

I want to entertain others and show how much respect i have for the haka. Show how much passion can be put into this work.

  1. What barriers could get in your way?

Put downs.

How did confidence help you whilst performing the haka?

I encouraged myself to lead the haka since no one else wanted to.

How has confidence helped you in other areas of life?

Talk to others i may not know, help my partners and get me to where i am now.

  • How does confidence effect each aspect of your hauora?

  • Physical well being? Help boost myself.

  • Social? Standing up for others.

  • Spiritual? Standing up to my mistakes.

  • Mental+Emotinal well being? help me focus more.