
Bee CARE Institute certification can currently be obtained at three levels equal to the skills and knowledge of a beginning beekeeper, and intermediate level beekeeper or a seasoned beekeeper who is active in the beekeeping community.


Beginning beekeepers can build their skills and knowledge to the point of being a responsible and successful hobbyist.


With continued experience and training the Certified Beekeeper can expand their skills and knowledge.

The Journeyman is prepared to expand their operation to become sideliner beekeeper (a small profit is made from the hive) if they wish.


Continuing the journey, gaining more specialty knowledge and becoming active in the beekeeping community the Journeyman becomes a Master.

The Master Beekeeper may be a serious sideliner or a commercial beekeeper. They may also be interested in honey bee research or in doing outreach to support honeybees and other pollinators.

Whatever your interest the certification program goes above and beyond just taking a few classes.

We are currently seeking accreditation as a Registered Trade School.