Aylsham Community Gym welcomes new members.

We are your local 'friendly gym', here to guide you to safely improve your health and fitness in your own community.

Our Classes

At Aylsham Community Gym we have a variety of group classes to help motivate you.  For more details of our classes please speak to one of our fitness team.

“...Seeing my body shape change, working hard with results gives me a great experience at the gym – not just for me but it seems many others are also getting results...”

Our Fitness Team

Our team of fitness professionals are here to help and guide you at the gym ensuring you are getting the most from your time there. Friendly, onhand and with a range of expertice they are always approachable. Click the button below to find out more.

“...I’m not looking to get more muscle or lose weight or get happier or anything, it’s really just a case of feeling well and working out in a friendly atmosphere. Overall I think I am fitter, stronger and more flexible as result of training here...”

Aylsham Community Gym would like to give heartfelt thanks to the below for their support during the pandemic. We couldn’t have done it without you!