The Best of Texas Awards Nomination Deadline for Teacher of the Year, Professional of the Year, and Friend of the Family has been extended. Please submit nominations by Feb. 15, 2025, to
Nomination Guidelines and forms can be found below. Selections will be completed by the Awards Committee in a timely manner so that honorees can plan to attend the 2025 Awards Banquet April 4, 2025 in Bandera, Texas to receive their recognition. The Teacher of the Year, Leader of the Year and New Achiever honorees who are notified by the VP Member Relations officer that they qualify to apply for appropriate national award counterparts should be prepared to represent the AAFCS-Texas Affiliate as the award nominee for the following year upon their recognition at the Texas Award Banquet.
Recognition of Outstanding Members and Partnerships within our Profession
Each year, the AAFCS-Texas board takes pride in highlighting the accomplishments, hard work, and dedication of those working in the numerous Family and Consumer Sciences fields. To recognize the achievements of those in our field, we need your input!
The AAFCS Best of Texas Awards application opens Oct. 15, 2024 for nominations and will remain open through January 15, 2025. We hope you will review the application and determine if you have a fellow professional who deserves a coveted AAFCS-TX State Affiliate Award.
In addition to nominations at the TX Affiliate level, The Texas Leader, The Texas New Achiever, and The Texas Teacher of the Year Awards will be forwarded to the AAFCS National Awards nomination committee. Over the years, the Texas Affiliate has been fortunate to have our very own members recognized at the national level, and we hope to continue this trend! We encourage you to start working on nominations now and submit nominees for each category. Remember, you can ask a fellow member to nominate you or reward yourself by completing your own nomination to highlight your achievements!
If you have any questions about the nomination process or issues with submitting materials, please contact the VP of Member Relations, Sydney Cox, at
Review the following award categories and submit your nomination(s) today! Click on each category for guidelines:
Professional of the Year
Member has made major contributions to the FCS profession, displayed leadership abilities, been active in the association, and is highly respected by her/his peers.
2024 Texas Professional of the Year
Natalie Knesek, Texas A&M AgriLife
As Family and Consumer Sciences professionals we are changemakers, problem solvers, and confidants. We take our rich history, steeped in the Body of Knowledge, and utilize a practical application to profoundly change the lives of others. My inspiration is drawn from those who laid our foundation, those who have mentored me, and the trust that is given by those who are positively impacted by our service.
Texas Leader of the Year
Member has completed more than eight (8) years of service to the field through their involvement in AAFCS.
2024 Texas Leader of the Year
Angela McCorkle - Texas A&M AgriLife
Engaging in the Family and Consumer Sciences professional enables me to contribute to the enhancement of individuals and families' overall well being. The diverse scope of FCS, covering areas such as nutrition, finance, parenting and interpersonal relationships, empowers me to guide individuals toward becoming the best versions of themselves.
New Achiever Award
Member has at least three (3) but no more than eight (8) years of service to the field through their involvement in AAFCS.
New Achievers Award
Blake Mudd - University of Houston
FCS professionals everywhere find unique ways to make postive impacts in their communities. I am constantly inspired by my field's professionals and educators who are dedicated to their vision to make the world a better place.
Texas Teacher of the Year
Member is an FCS elementary and secondary teacher who has exemplary programs and/or teaching methods and techniques.
2024 Teacher of the Year
Sarah Allen, Lubbock Cooper High School
The rich history of exceptional women and their tenacity to challenge societal norms and obstacles inspire me to be a Family and Consumer Sciences professional. These trailblazers pushed down barriers, shattered sterotypes, and championed the underdog to promote famly and consumer-related issues. Each day, as an FCS teacher, I am focused on meeting challenges to better my students' education and experiences.
Friend of the Family
An individual or organization involved at the local or state level in the policy-making process whose work over time has made significant contributions that affect the well-being of Texas families.
2024 Friend of the Family Award
Women's Storybook Project of Texas
The staff and volunteers at Women's Storybook Project of Texas are inspired by our clients and our families. Mom's work hard to get into our program by staying discipline fee for 60 days and then keeping that up for 6 months! They truly want to connect with their children through books read, aloud. The messages of hope and love they send each month are inspiring!
Light for Texas Families
FCS professionals, community leaders, students and friends of the family volunteers who, through their work or community service, provide a valuable light and voice to families.
2024 Light for Families Award
Pat Smith
Serve Denton
My dad had a popular restaurant in town where he fed thousands of people and hundreds through his backdoor who were struggling. When he passed away, many people cam from across the country to his memorial service. When I asked why they came, they all said, "Your dad saved my life." His life inspired me to help others, ultimately leading to Serve Denton's creation.
2024 Light for Families Award
Terry Wilson-Gray
The Bridge Network
I'm inspired to serve because I know firsthand what it's like to be without resources and to feel invisible. It's as though you don't matter because you don't have the resources, information or education. I want to educate and empower individuals so they can become advocates for themselves, their families and their communities.
2024 Light for Families Award
Reverend Davidson Sutherland
Bonton Farms
My calling is to create spaces of belonging. From a young age, I experience love and success, but later in college, I realized that society tends to favor peole who look like me and exclude those who don't. Since then, I have made it my mission to help create communities where people feel understood, empowered, and loved.
Mabel Erwin Recognition
Is extended to members who have sustained their dedication of membership to the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences for 40, 50, or 60 years. If you have this distinction the AAFCS-Texas Affiliate would like to honor you during the Best of Texas Award Banquet. Please contact Elena Doerrie for more details at
Celebrating 50 Years of Membership at the 2024 Annual AAFCS Conference
Texas member Brenda Dickinson, CFCS-Retired was honored for fifty years of membership. She is in the green jacket.