University of Arizona
Instructional-Teams Project Publications

Hester, Southard, K. M., Kim, Y. A., Cox, J., Elfring, L. K., Blowers, P., & Talanquer, V. (n.d.). Benefits and Challenges in the Implementation of an Instructional-Teams Model for Supporting Evidence-Based Instructional Practices in Large-Enrollment STEM Courses. College Teaching, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1–12.

Hester, Elliott, J. M., Navis, L. K., Hidalgo, L. T., Kim, Y. A., Blowers, P., Elfring, L. K., Lattimore, K. L., & Talanquer, V. (2022). Using an Instructional Team During Pandemic Remote Teaching Enhanced Student Outcomes in a Large STEM Course. Journal of College Science Teaching, 51(3), 12.

Southard, Hester, S. D., Jurkiewicz, J., Curry, J. E., Kim, Y. A., Cox, J., Elfring, L. K., Blowers, P., & Talanquer, V. (2021). A close look at change: the role of an instructional-team community on an instructor’s evolution during instructional reform. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 3(1), 1–18.

Kim, Rezende, L., Eadie, E., Maximillian, J., Southard, K., Elfring, L., Blowers, P., & Talanquer, V. (2021). Responsive Teaching in Online Learning Environments: Using an Instructional Team to Promote Formative Assessment and Sense of Community. Journal of College Science Teaching, 50(4), 17–24.

Kim, Monroe, E., Nielsen, H., Cox, J., Southard, K. M., Elfring, L., Blowers, P., & Talanquer, V. (2020). Exploring Undergraduate Students’ Abilities to Collect and Interpret Formative Assessment Data. Journal of Chemical Education, 97(12), 4245–4254.

Brown, H. E., & Cox, J. (2020a). Improving undergraduate epidemiology education: an example using instructional teams. American Journal of Epidemiology.

Brown, H. E., & Cox, J. (2020b). Don’t Forget Formative Assessment. American Journal of Epidemiology.

Kim, Y., Cox, J., Southard, K. M., Elfring, L., Blowers, P. & Talanquer, V. (May, 2019). Learning Researchers: Promoting Formative Assessment in STEM Courses. Journal of College Science Teaching.

Hempel, B.H., Hidalgo, L.T., Kim, Y. A., Southard, K.M., Talanquer, V., Blowers, P., (2019). Affective Drivers that Influence the Implementation of An Instructor’s Teaching Practices in a Large Introductory General Chemistry Course. (Manuscript submitted to Journal of Research in Science Teaching March 2022).