Task and Time Management

Time and Task Management

As you have seen, there are several tasks an IM may take on as part of the role. It is important to manage not only the tasks you must complete but the time it takes you to complete them.

Task and time management can be somewhat individualized, but there are some general tips to help!

  • Create a list of all your tasks.

  • Use either a paper or online calendar to input all of your tasks, including the day and time of the class you'll be serving.

  • Consider setting up reminders in your Outlook calendar, phone, or other device for each task. We recommend not only including your in-class activities, but also those activities that take place outside of class, e.g., if you send out a team or class communication on Friday, set a reminder for Friday before the task is due. This seems like a simplistic example, but as the semester progresses, it will be easy to forget the simple tasks.

  • Use the tools that best help you to stay organized. If that's color-coding your calendar, then color-code your calendar. Maybe it's keeping both a paper and electronic calendar. Whatever works best for you, is the best way to organize your tasks and time.

  • Do your best to keep a consistent schedule. If you schedule your personal class and study times, your team tasks, and your personal life, it's more likely you'll keep those schedules. Always remember to set aside some time for yourself!!


The Think Tank provides some time management tutorials along with other resources. The Think Tank is also a great resource to pass along to students.