Resources for Classroom Management

Different Instructional Managers will take on different classroom management responsibilities depending on what the Instructor and IM determine the IM role to be.

Some common classroom management responsibilities include:

Starting the computer

Taking LA attendance

Making sure groups have the materials they need, (i.e., whiteboards, markers, folders, etc.

Organizing and distributing papers for students

Managing technologies, (i.e., clickers, troubleshooting technology issues, etc.)

Familiarize yourself with the Classroom

As the Instructional Manager, you will be present for every class. Preparing for the inevitable technology meltdowns will help you do your job more professionally. As you adjust to the role, your reactions to challenges in the classroom should become effortless and lead to minimal distractions in student learning.

If you are serving in an Online Instructional Manager role for an online asynchronous course, your classroom is the Learning Management System your instructor uses. It's important you practice sending out emails to students, uploading documents to the page, taking the class quizzes, etc. Whatever management roles your instructor assigns you, make sure you know how to do them well and where to find help if something goes wrong. The resources below are a great place to start.

One of your primary in-class responsibilities, regardless of what your Instructor assigns you to be doing, is to be aware of the space and people around you. By preparing for things that may go wrong, you will be able to act more efficiently and effectively.

Resources for classroom management support

OIA recorded webinars

OIA Teaching Technology page

D2L help page

Reporting technology problems - this site also has the number to call if you experience in class technology problems