IM Stories

Voices of Instructional Managers

To understand and prepare for the Instructional Manager role, it can be helpful to hear what other IMs have learned from their experience. Below, you can find audio files and transcripts of IMs talking about their experiences in the role.

Trust and autonomy in the IM role

We talked to one Instructional Manager about her experience with instructors new to the model. It took some time for the instructors to be willing to trust her, but once they did it really paid off.

Classroom management and taking initiative

We asked one Instructional Manager about some of her experiences with classroom management.

"We kind of function like an intermediate between the professors and the preceptors"

We spoke to a team of IMs. They told us about their role working with the preceptors (Learning Assistants).

  • Listen to the audio here

  • Read the transcript here