Frequently Asked Questions

I'm Stuck... Can someone help me? 

YES! But I won't know you are struggling unless you say something. Please have faith and patience in yourself, I fully believe you can do this. Call, email, or text and let me know what's going on. I've been able to help lots of customers by having them join me in a WebEx room and sharing their screen. Then it's easy to direct you on what to click on. Do be aware, the sooner you reach out the better. I start new customers in the program each week, but that means that the week you are in the program, my focus is on you. 


Where are the links to the workshops?

You will be emailed the link to each workshop approximately one hour before the beginning of the workshop.  Be aware that the link to each workshop changes daily.  If the link is not in your inbox then please also check your junk/Spam folder, or "Important" folder in Gmail.

What's the deadline to submit my documents?

The Friday of the week you start the program. The program is designed to be Monday-Friday and have you completed in one week. If you are falling behind, please let your trainer know sooner rather than later. 

Can I do this program from my cell phone? Do I need a computer/laptop?

The SOAR Program has two parts: workshops and self-paced completion of documents. You can attend the workshops from a phone without too much difficulty, many customers do that just fine. But completing the documents on a cell phone would be a frustrating and aggravating process. I don't want you to become frustrated with the program. My strong recommendation is to either take advantage of the computer access at our job centers (Monday-Thursday) or at the public libraries. You are welcome to get a feel for what the self-paced portion entails by clicking the link to the program, selecting Module 1, and viewing the instructions. 

Ultimately, I would say while it isn't impossible to do this from a cell phone, it won't be easy, and I want to set you up to be successful. 


Where is the nearest Job Center?

North Job Center

9801 North 7th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85020
(602) 861-0208

South Job Center

4635 South Central Avenue
South Mountain Village
Phoenix, Arizona 85040
(602) 771-0630

West Job Center

3406 North 51st Avenue
Maryvale Village
Phoenix, Arizona 85031
(623) 245-6200

Where can I use a computer?

Any of our job center are open Monday-Thursday and have computers you can use. 

North Job Center

9801 North 7th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85020
(602) 861-0208

South Job Center

4635 South Central Avenue
South Mountain Village
Phoenix, Arizona 85040
(602) 771-0630

West Job Center

3406 North 51st Avenue
Maryvale Village
Phoenix, Arizona 85031
(623) 245-6200

Another great option is the public libraries: 

Why can't I type on the document?

Download it as either a Word document (Make sure to “Enable Editing”) or Google document (requires Gmail login and you must make a copy not “Request to edit”)

How long will it take me to complete the entire S.O.A.R. program from start to finish?

On average, it takes a customer approximately 12 hours to finish everything.

Now that I have finished my documents, what do I do with them?

Email your Word document or share your Google document to your assigned trainer.