What is Antoinism

The Antoinist cult is a moral organisation based on faith and selflessness. The cult was founded on 15 August 1910 in Jemeppe sur Meuse near Liège. The Belgian government recognised the cult as a "non-profit organisation", as evidenced by a royal decree of 8 October 1922.

In France, the cult developed in parallel with other religious movements.

There is pain, illness and trouble everywhere, and anyone can come to seek salvation or moral help. All this happens through prayer; if prayer is not paid for, it is heard and bears its fruit.

One comes to ask for help outside of all ideas of religion, for sickness and pain have no religion.

The cult leaves each one his freedom: one comes there when one feels the need; either to find a grace, or to be instructed in moral philosophy. For in contact with suffering humanity, the Father (Louis Antoine) had acquired a great experience, which he recorded in the book "Instruction of the Father" (Révélation par le Père). This teaching is faithfully read in temples and reading rooms. Everyone understands from it what he wants, and practices how and what he wants. For more than 22 years, the Father received patients. When he started this work, he had saved money so that he did not need to work. At the end of his life he had nothing.

The one who comes to the cult comes exclusively to find a path that leads him out of mental or physical trials. He keeps his religion, his habits entirely according to his conscience. The one who comes to the cult and wants to testify his gratitude can tell other people who are without moral support or who have no hope left in science about the work. ([1]) The aim of the cult is not to convert, but simply to comfort and heal through faith. It is the modern work of freedom and moral charity. Everyone, without exception, can go there for the moral strength necessary for his soul. There is neither alms nor sacrifice. The temples are built with anonymous donations, based on faith and altruism. The cult is a devotion for which no one is paid even indirectly, either by the state or by the cult itself.

At present there are 64 Antoinist temples and 90 reading rooms. The latter are the bases of future temples in France, Belgium, Brazil, Italy, Australia and Luxembourg.

Where we find the peace of our mind, there is our path.

[1] The cult does not tread on scientific ground. Above all, it does not give diagnoses. It does not give advice for or against taking medicine. It does not lay hands on people or make predictions about the future.