Faith compared to belief

Father, I have already been asked by people who belong to different gospel-based beliefs what you think of Jesus Christ, about whom your Teaching says nothing. What should I answer to any such question?

The Father: I don't know if you could satisfy them, I've already said it: before we have acquired faith, we do have a belief, but often it is biased, we want to convert to our ideas the one who does better than us; if we possessed this virtue, we would never worry about what the prophets were, each one of them came to reveal a teaching proportionate to the development of humanity, without pronouncing on his predecessors. They all had morality as their basis. If we could rely on it, without seeing the words or the phrases, we would always agree, we would be convinced that the prophets come to open up a new horizon for us. The cause of the diversity of beliefs is that we are more attached to their person than to their teaching, which is only intended to educate us.

If we understood that the prophets are happy to see us abandon their teaching to practice a new one containing more rational principles, we would be all the more happy ourselves because instead of being disunited, we would be united in the only true religion which has simply faith as its basis because we would be animated by the same love. But by advocating one prophet at the expense of others who must have reasoned like him according to the environment of different times, we would only have a biased belief. This is how we proceed before we have acquired faith, our degree of advancement does not allow us to reach true love and as long as we do not have the merit, we will only seek to divide ourselves. To rise to God we should not claim any of the revelators, but rather practice their revelations which are one, it is taught as humanity develops and is able to understand it. In this way we will draw love from it to love one another, we will all have the same faith because we will no longer be guided by intelligence but by the conscience which allows us to respect everyone indiscriminately. As long as we cling to the prophet rather than to what he has revealed to us, our love cannot be real, we will love those who share our ideas and we will not love others, we will sow division. However, none of us has the right to blame anyone, because however backward we may be, we all believe we are in the truth. In reasoning these questions to you, I am relying solely on my own experience and I will tell you a word to help you understand how ignorant we are before we have acquired faith. If I can testify to the difference, if I can compare it to you, it is by going back to certain times when I myself did all that I have just told you. Then I did not know that prayer is only in the acts that allow us to draw love from the bosom of God, and that is the greatest reward, since happiness depends only on our love. We are still far from understanding this because we forget that we owe our progress only to those whom we call our enemies.

In doing so, we no longer doubt that the prophets possess too much modesty to be touched by the praise that is thought to honour them; rather, they would be greatly embarrassed by it because they are all modest about what they have revealed. If it were otherwise, they would lack simplicity and would not be worthy of transmitting the word of God to us. I repeat, let us refrain from becoming attached to their person, and let us not, in wishing to show them too much gratitude, forget what they have taught. They would be much happier if, instead of glorifying them and proclaiming their name, we would bear witness to them by spreading the love that flows from Revelation. Let us know that without faith we are more stubborn than sincere; when we possess this virtue, we will be convinced that belief is the result of the intelligence that divides us, and we will rely on the conscience that is its opposite, and it will lead us back to true religion, forming in one and the same love the unity of the whole.

Revelation, Faith compared to belief