Leeds Mercury
(Wednesday, 14 December 1910)

A new religious sect in Belgium

A new religious sect has arisen around an ex-miner named Antoine the Healer, At Jemappes, near Liege. Antoinism is apparently a blend of faith healing and spirititualism. Some wonderful cures are reported to have been accomplished through its means. Our first picture shows a member of the sect praying for an ailing child; the second depicts Antoine, the founder of the sect, in the pulpit; and the third a crowd of Antoinists outside the Temple. (Central News.)

A group of Antoinists, members of the new religious sect in Belgium. In the chair is a cripple, who has come to seek healing. The man in the centre is said to have been cured by Antoine of a disease of the bones. The woman is explaining the cripple's case. (C.N.)

Leeds Mercury,
Wednesday 14 December 1910