Testimony of
Albert van der Naillen

Most sacred revelations given to the world
by Antoine the wonderful Belgian healer

The sublime and moral truths above referred to are appreciated to their full value by our higher self, by the angel within us ; but it is to our material body that is given the tasl to put into practice in our daily lives, these sublime truths. It refuses, however, to obey the command of our higher self, it being to the interest of our body, the beast, to oppose this command in order to be able to satisfy its earthly passions, gratify its lower senses, and this cannot be done by obeying the command of the Angel within us. The Angel command is to apply the sublime moral truths cited above to our every day life, to conform our every act to their precepts.
It fact, our whole live consist in a battle, more or less earnest, more or less sincere, according to the greaer or less dregree os advancement of every individual man - yes, a battle between the Angel within us who points upward, and the beast, large or small which every one of us conceals within his breast, whose constant endeavors are to pull us earthward, downward.
The inestimable merit of the doctrine of Mr. Antoine, as revealed in the booklets, consists mainly in giving a complete analysis, in laying bare the wiles and stratagems of our lower self for conquest, and on the other hand, in indicating most practically, - although in a deeply philosophical way, the many moral and spiritual means we have on hand always to help us overcome our ennemy ; and Antoine is unique at indicating in detail and in the most practical manner, the way we should call these helps and means to our assistance in evolving our daily spiritual lives.
"La Foi" Faith
"Faith is the greatest remedy for man's ills" he says.
The inscription on the front page of his booklets commence thus:
"The only remedy which can heal humanity is Faith," and from perusing his instructions, I should surmise, that he means the healing of moral and spiritual sickness as well as the illnesses of the human body.
FAITH in God and Faith in Antoine and his powers seems to be the absolute essential for obtaining a cure.
Faith, seems to build the only bridge upon which he can approach he sick: a fluidic link between the healer and his patient. The stronger the Faith, the easier and the closer he can approach the sufferer, form a spiritual diagnosis of his case and direct the true spiritual force and to heal him - the absolute confidence and certitude in the sufferer that only Mr. Antoine not only can but will heal him is the nearest approach to and is conducive to that Faith which lies yet deeper in the human soul.
"FAITH," says the Master, "Is an experience acquired by belief. Any one possessing this Faith controls the future - and instinctively walks life's true path guided solely by the influences of his higher conscience."
"Faith," in its true sens or understanding deals only with the moral laws and their faithful and unceasing application to daily practice in our lives.
"FAITH," misunderstood or blind faith, imagines somewhere a land os eternal bliss, and it is in the hope of attaining this land of bliss that one mutters long prayers and orations.
"Our FAITH is proven by our virtue alone."
"FAITH is a power acquired by experience. It enlightens us in all that is in the universe. Through Faith we may inderstand spiritual things, and our thought may feel and touch them as our hand deels and touches a material body.
"Moral endeavors gradually brings us to FAITH." FAITH, as announced by Antoine is an unbounded faith in a universal Provindence, a loving, guiding influence ever tending to direct man in the true paths of live, an unseen but always active ure within man to elevate himself through the steady practice of the moral law, to be standard of spirituality always growing in power, as he gradually abandons purely material activities. Man may thus attain to that elevation of Spirit where all is hamorny within, where all is hamorny whiout, harmony with God and all existences in the Universe. This supreme Harmony is presided over with and by
"LOVE IS GOD," says Antoine.
GOD being everywhere, love is everywhere manifest. It exists in all creations from the minutest atomic existence to God Himself. To be in harmony with that love is or duty, our destiny. All existences, through the ever active urge of Supreme Providence, live in harmony with this love. Man alone, being endowed with a free will, may disregard this inner urge of Providence and live a life of inharmony by disobeying the dictates of moral law. The man who obeys these moral laws and lovingly puts them into practice in his every day life, is in harmony with God, with his fellow men, with all creations and existences on this planet, and also must be in harmony with the Universe. The soul of this man is healthy, and according to Antoine's Revelations "When the soul is healthy it takes good care of the body it inhabits, and this body may never know illness."
Putting these into constant practice the precepts of the moral law through love is the gist, the core, the heart of all Mr. Antoine's teachings, as it leads to that greatest of attainments: the formation of a healthy Soul.
"If we have our doctrines at heart," he proclaims to his followers, "We will never cease comparing its teachings with our acts and see whether they harmonize."
"Love is obtained only through good actions, good deeds."
"When Love does not preside at charity, charitable actions only benefit the receiver. It leaves the donor without any merit.
"When we give without love, the sacred fire is absent."