Father's biographie

We, the undersigned F. Deregnaucourt and Mrs. Desart, on behalf of all the followers of Father Antoine, are authorised by him and feel obliged to publish his revelation as he gave it to us every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the years 1906-1909 in his temple in Jemeppe-sur-Meuse near Liège.

With the desire to be of service to humanity, we want to spread it throughout the world; in the firm conviction that those who suffer should find in it consolation, hope and happiness.

Thousands of recoveries, both physical and moral, have been and are still being made possible through contact with FATHER ANTOINE, whom we can rightly call the "Renewer of Humanity".

In his teachings, Father Antoine reveals to us the goal of life, the moral law, the means to reach the highest happiness. He speaks about the soul and its creation, about the conscience, about being for all eternity, from the origin to the final goal to be reached.

He explains the incarnation and its cause, the mind and the fluids that give us the thoughts. Finally, his teaching teaches us about Adam and his failures, in a way that makes us understand the role of God, his goodness, his love.

Louis Antoine, called the Healer, is a worker. Born in Mons-Crotteux (province of Liège) in 1846, the child of poor, simple and honest parents. He is the youngest of 11 children. At the age of 12, he starts working in the mines, accompanying his father and a brother who were also miners. As he no longer wants to work underground, he becomes a metalworker. At the age of 24, he left Belgium to work in Germany, where he stayed for five years. Two years later, he went to Praga near Warsaw (Russian Poland), where he stayed for another five years. He then settled definitively in Belgium, in Jemeppe-sur-Meuse. During his stay in Germany, he returned to his country to marry a woman he had met before leaving. From their union a child saw the light of day, a boy whom death robbed them of when he was 20 years old. But thanks to their great faith, neither of the couple lost heart over this; on the contrary, they devoted themselves even more to their cause. Their stay abroad had enabled them to accumulate a small fortune, which they sacrificed to help unfortunate people. In doing so, they felt greater happiness than anything they found in earning money through their day's work. For they had already understood the goal of life, and their conscience drove them inexorably onward on this path.

FATHER ANTOINE lives very simply and abstemiously; he is a vegetarian in the truest sense of the word. He consumes neither meat nor eggs, nor butter, nor milk; in a word, nothing of animal origin. He imposes on himself to remain completely in the natural, doing even small works which are necessary for his sustenance. His work for those who ask for his support day and night requires constant inner contemplation. This is the reason why he lives completely alone. His wife, a sublime and humble soul, lives with two children who have raised her, for she fully shares his mission. She stands in for her husband and operates on his behalf when he has to stay away. As long as they had property, we saw them in action, braving all storms to provide the unfortunate with everything they needed.

Let us note that FATHER Antoine possessed an unusual sensitivity and piety from his earliest childhood. At the age of 14 he already felt a great joy in praying, but not in the usual way at that age. He liked to go deep within himself, to lift up his heart in God's direction. How often he would quickly and secretly leave work for a moment, withdraw into a quiet corner to pray better!

FATHER ANTOINE professed the Catholic religion until he was 42 years old, then applied spiritualism, but without dwelling on experiments for which he had no skills and which did not attract him in the least. As he could hardly read and write, he felt incompetent to solve this scientific problem; he preferred morality and gave himself to it wholeheartedly. He continued until 1906, the date on which he founded "Nine Spiritualisms". From then on, his mission as a revelator began.

It can be said that Father Antoine is not an intellectual; the little knowledge he possesses he acquired outside school, through his personal work. But from the moral point of view he was at all times above his surroundings and his epoch, for he strove without pause to improve himself. We know for certain that his mother was a pious, merciful woman who often practised renunciation in order to satiate other, more unfortunate people. And so the Son took his first steps on the path of mercy, which he continued to follow.

Through the incessant contact with countless sick people who have been visiting him daily for over 21 years, his moral nature has not ceased to grow, and a hitherto unknown strength has been built up in him. FATHER ANTOINE has forgotten himself for all others: He has sacrificed his time, his goods, his whole life to suffering humanity. In doing so, he acquired virtues that we can recognise in him; faith, love, unselfishness, which he preached ceaselessly by his example. This allowed him to found the New Spiritualism on the unshakeable foundation of pure faith.

In order not to lose anything of this revelation, including its great moral value, we have asked him to allow us to stenograph it. So we reproduce it in this book as we heard it from the mouth of the Saviour himself, our good Father, thanks to whom we have understood that true faith is the engine of the whole universe, and the body its hearth.


in Jemeppe - sur - Meuse Stenographer

Editor of the doctrine of the doctrine

15 August 1910: Sanctification of the cult and consecration of the temple

The temple of Jemeppe, the Father on the tribune with Brother Deregnaucourt, the Mother