
We must understand that there are two worlds, one corporeal and the other spiritual, the world of the incarnate and I will not add that of the disincarnate, but rather that of the non-incarnate. Many might imagine that they are distinct, but they are not. I have already revealed that every being is composed of two individualities, one of which is the conscious self and the other the intelligent self. It is in the latter that we are embodied; the conscious self is not because it is real while the other is only apparent. We are therefore part of the corporeal world through the latter, our imperfect self, and of the spiritual world through our real self. The latter is the opposite of the former: it is not affected by sleep or death, while the former is subject to all the events inherent in matter. We believe that at death souls leave the world and go to the afterlife and the afterlife is here. The imperfect soul remains incarnate until it has overcome its imperfection. Each existence is the consequence of the previous one and it determines the one that follows by the trial it has undergone and by others contracted without its knowledge. Before leaving the dying body, the soul has prepared another for reincarnation. Let us not imagine that at death it goes into space, it is not so. What would it do there, would the life of material relationship still be possible there? In what way could the soul progress there? If it could, it would be useless for it to come and take a body and pass from space to earth and vice versa.

The reality is quite different and much more consoling: death does not exist; our loved ones who are supposedly dead are only apparently so: we do not cease for a moment to see them and to talk to them; bodily life is only an illusion. But our incarnation, which is doubt, absorbs our faith. I do not know how to express myself in order to penetrate you with the reality of this question; yes, I would like to be able to make you sensitive to today's revelation, to make you savour how comforting it is. Let us note that it is only doubt that embodies us and prevents our freedom. If only we could remember during the day the pleasures we experience at night in contact with our loved ones! Unfortunately this cursed matter makes us forget, we know it, it is opposed to faith. When will we be able to wake up, to get out of the dreadful nightmare of incarnation? For that is what it is, but we cannot believe it because our imperfection deceives us; by the trial it brings about, it convinces us of its reality.

It is sometimes very painful to hear opinions contrary to one's own. It is here, however, that we are most served by being corrected for bias. We can only suffer from error. The more wicked a man is, the more he sees right on his side and wrong on others. If, therefore, we are upset, distressed by the opinion of others, it is because we base ourselves on error. Truth always comforts him who possesses it; being the fruit of his experience, it cannot make him proud because it is due to his merit. Whatever is said to him, he feels safe and pities the one who fights him; he knows that he is unhappy, that opinion prevents him from loving because it surrounds him with a fluid that frustrates him.

The Crowning of the Work of Revelation, Reincarnation