





List of Beings

All beings in the world are divided into three categories:

The following spreadsheet lists different guardians, spirits, and creatures, who appear in the tale of Antidotum.

The Three Realms

Divine Realm, a.k.a. Eden

Spiritual Realm, a.k.a. Afterlife

Material Realm, a.k.a. Earth

The Three Destinations




Good and Evil

Divine Energy






(The Story about the Beginning of the World)

In the beginning, God created the Spiritual Realm and the Material Realm.

The Material realm was made of chaos and nothingness, and the unknown was present in the endless depths. The Spiritual realm was made of order and wholeness, and the known was present at the boundless heights.

The Spiritual realm and the Material realm were interwoven for all eternity, so each existed within the other.

God, who resided in the Divine realm, created the world. The physical side of the world was created in the Material realm, while the celestial side was created in the Spiritual realm. Like this every spirit in the Spiritual realm had an equivalent body in the Material realm. And every object in the Material realm had an essence in the Spiritual realm.

Afterworld, God created a soul in the Divine realm, where He resided. He created the soul based on Himself, so the soul created by God was similar to God. It was so similar to God, that God had called it His child. Just like a child takes after his parents, the soul took after God - His creator.

Some spirits became jealous of the soul, who was created in the Divine realm, and not like them, in the Spiritual realm.

God looked at the lonely soul and concluded that no soul shall be alone. So He split the soul into equal two. He named one half the «male», and the other half he named the «female». The male held half of all the powers of the original soul, and the female held the other half. The two, who used to be one, rejoiced at each other's presence. 

One day, a spirit asked God: "Who is the greatest of your creations?"

All the spirits thought that they knew the answer. They thought that the most powerful spirit, whose Material body was the Lie, was the greatest creation of God, but to everyone's surprise, God had named the soul as His greatest creation.

The most powerful spirit, the spirit of Lie, approached the soul created by God.  The spirit of Lie spoke to the soul: "Are you, who reside in the Divine realm, God?"

The two pieces of the soul, which were always together, stood side-by-side, but only the female spoke back, because the answer was with her half of the soul: "No, we aren't God." Then she added because she liked to talk, "We aren't anything like God," but this second statement wasn't true.

The spirit of Lie said, "Of course, you are like God", which was true. But because the spirit of Lie was a cunning liar, it added: "You are God," but this second statement wasn't true.

The female looked at the male, and the male looked at the female. And the two had realized, that when they were looking at each other, they were seeing God. They began to think that they were God. The moment, when they came to believe this, they realized their own hopelessness and helplessness, for neither one of them had any powers like the powers of God.

So the two of them hid away from God.

When God saw them, He realized what had happened, and He said: "You can no longer remain in the Divine realm."

In order to save the souls, God sent all of them to the Spiritual realm, and created for them bodies in the Material realm. If the souls remained in Eden, they would have died and turned into void, because only truth can exist in the Divine realm.

God had to move the souls out of the Divine realm, because the male thought of himself as God and the female thought of herself as nothing like God, which meant that both of them were wrong and far away from the truth.

In their exile souls suffered, but in order to return to the Divine realm, the soul must learn who it truly is and understand its own existence.

Thus, it has been this way ever since the beginning of the world, that each soul awaits its turn, while it stays in the Spiritual realm. Then by entering a human body in the Material realm, it begins its journey of self-understanding, in order to learn the truth about oneself through the experiences on a mysterious and unique journey called life.

The Trinity




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Header photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger