Places are listed in the same order as they appear in the story.
(all maps were created by Ludwig Theodor von Ruhm in Google Drawings)

Village of Catriddle

Biome: Taiga
Size: 1000 people

Catriddle is a small village build on the gentle slope near the bottom of the mountain, which is heavily overgrown by tall evergreen trees. The houses are built from wood and among the trees. All roads either lead up or down. To the west of the village, there is a river, which floods each year at the snow-melting season, but the village is far enough that it doesn't get affected by the rising waters. To the east of the village are mines, where most of the villagers work.

House of Kapok Sky

City of Swanmaze

Biome: Steppe
Size: 1'0000'0000 people

Swanmaze is a capital city of the Sunset Continent. The first shrine was build on the treeless land near the northern forests. Over time the locality grew southwest turning grassland into cityland. There is a river flowing through the city. The buildings are mostly made of steel and other metals, covered with tiles made of special type of mud to hide the interior materials.

City of Owlway

Biome: Taiga
Size: 20'0000 people

Owlway is the biggest city near the village of Catriddle. It used to be a mine, but after all minerals were exhausted, a shrine was build at the top of the hill made from the extracted soil, and a village formed around the hill. Over the years, the city flattened the mountainous ground under buildings thus creating a staircase-like terrain of the city, with each step about the height of a house floor. Roads for vehicles slowly rise adjacent to the wall of each step of the city's staircase land until they arrive at the next level of the terrain. Sidewalks turn into narrow circular staircases by the terrain steps. Bigger, wider, straighter staircases are built inside the soil, in the underground, and are connected to all the areas of the city.

City of Sheepcrown

Biome: Forest
Size: 40'0000 people

Sheepcrown is most known for its bridges built between the buildings, which have on average 3-4 floors. The bridges allow people of the city to walk between the buildings without using the ground on the first floor. The city is mostly built from white rock, which is easy to find in the nature around the city. Moss and ivy are planted on the roofs on the buildings, which grow down and eventually cover the whole building. City is full of flower pots attached to walls and balconies on every floor. The two most common forms of travel in the city are by foot or by tram.

Nearby places:
School of Hecate

Town of Sealheart

Biome: Forest
Size: 8'5000 people

A peaceful town, where life goes slowly. Nobody's rich there, but nobody's poor either. People are nice, and always helping each other. The town isn't famous, and there aren't that many visitors, except for students of Hestia, because it's the closest town located about 50 km west from the school of Hestia.

Nearby places:
School of Hestia

Village of Wormwind

Biome: Forest
Size: 2700 people

A village near the Windworm Tower.

Nearby places:
Windworm Tower

Village of Harefence

Biome: Forest
Size: 150 people

A village, located roughly a day of walk away from the Windworm Tower in the general direction of west-southwest.

Nearby places:
Windworm Tower

City of Frogwindow

Biome: Forest
Size: 21'0000 people

A city west of the Windworm Tower, which takes about a week of walk to reach from the tower. Not a tourist destination, but the city is well-known as an important trading center, especially in the fishing industry.

Nearby places:
Windworm Tower

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Photos & Images:

Header photo by Marcus Dall Col