Excalibur Engineering


Excalibur Engineering Website Redesign

Unfortunately, due to a misunderstanding with the company the site was being designed in my draft is no longer available and a redesign is needed.

The slide to the left shows the summary for the redesign of the Excalibur Engineering Website. The process relied heavily on the concept of backwards design; understanding the functionality, limitations, and overall stylings of the engine before beginning. The process followed the basic steps developing: the redesign idea, develop the information architecture, wireframing, low-fi prototyping, user testing, branding/accessibility, high-fi prototyping.

Entry-Level eLearning Course

Training course for Excalibur Engineering entry level employees, featuring modules covering:

Brochure Cover

Images from unsplash.com by:

Daniel Quiceno


Jean Carlo Emer


Brochure Back

Images from unsplash.com by: 

Circuit board by Michael Dziedzic


Solder pen by Vishnu Mohanan


Business Card

Business Logo