Volume 8 (2017)


Collectanea Iranica et Asiatica. Iran and Western Asia in Antiquity. New Perspectives

[special contributed volume]

Edited by Marek Jan Olbrycht


Front Matter


Edward Lipiński (Belgium)

Lettres de pharaons aux derniers rois d’Ugarit (pp. 9-15)

Michał Podrazik (Poland)

The skēptouchoi of Cyrus the Younger (pp. 16-37)

Waldemar Heckel (Canada)

Was Sibyrtios ever Satrap of Karmania? (pp. 38-43)

Marc Mendoza Sanahuja (Spain)

Stasanor of Soloi and the Government of Bactria during the Wars of the Diadochi (pp. 44-70)

Daniel T. Potts (USA)

Appointment in Apollonia (pp. 71-89)

Adalberto Magnelli (Italy), Giuseppe Petrantoni (Italy)

A Note on 7Q19, a Greek Fragment of Jubilees from Qumran? (pp. 90-94)

Nikolaus L. Overtoom (USA)

The Parthians’ Unique Mode of Warfare: a Tradition of Parthian Militarism and the Battle of Carrhae (pp. 95-122)

Seth Richardson (USA)

A Note on the Name “Sinnaces” and Armenian Claims on an Assyrian Royal Background (pp. 123-127)

Jordi Pérez González (Spain)

Ex Oriente Luxus. Marco teórico sobre la existencia de una red libre de escala y el uso de superconectores durante el Alto Imperio romano (pp. 128-159)

Ehsan Shavarebi (Austria)

Sakastān in der frühen Sasanidenzeit: Münzprägung und Geschichte (pp. 160-177)

Robert Sebastian Wójcikowski (Poland)

Helmets, Crowns or Hats? The Headgears on the Early Sasanian Rock Reliefs (pp. 178-202)

Martin Schottky (Germany)

Vorarbeiten zu einer Königsliste Kaukasisch-Iberiens. 6. Herrscher im Umkreis Petrus des Iberers (pp. 203-225)

Frank Schleicher (Germany)

Die Gogarene im ausgehenden fünften Jahrhundert. Politische Handlungsspielräume und religiöser Pragmatismus (pp. 226-257)

Alireza Askari Chaverdi (Iran)

Fluted Conical Pedestals for Altars from the Persian Gulf Coast: Bardestan (pp. 258-264)

Touraj Daryaee (USA)

Middle Persian Graffiti on Sāsānian and Arab-Sāsānian Coins at the American Numismatic Society (pp. 265-274)


Michał Podrazik (Poland)

Rebellions against the Great King in the Achaemenid Empire: Some Remarks (pp. 277-291)

Valentina I. Mordvintseva (Russia)

Sarmatian Treasures Reconsidered. Some Remarks on the New Book by Leo Klein (pp. 292-300)

Marek Jan Olbrycht (USA; Poland)

Slipper Coffins and Funerary Practices in Parthia (pp. 301-313)


Luisa Prandi (Italy)

Michael Rathmann, Diodor und seine Bibliotheke. Weltgeschichte aus der Provinz, (Klio – Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Band 27) Berlin-Boston: W. De Gruyter 2016 (pp. 317-319)

Martin Schottky (Germany)

Jan P. Stronk, Semiramis’ Legacy. The History of Persia According to Diodorus of Sicily, (Edinburgh Studies in Ancient Persia), Edinburgh: University Press, 2017 (pp. 320-324)

Jacek Rzepka (Poland)

Sabine Müller, Die Argeaden. Geschichte Makedoniens bis zum Zeitalter Alexanders des Großen, Paderborn/München/Wien: Schöningh 2016 (pp. 325-327)

Abbreviations (pp. 328-329)

Addresses of Authors (pp. 330-331)

Back Matter