Jeffrey D. Lerner (Wake Forest University, USA)

The Coinage of Andragoras (NRGWR) / VAKḤŠUVAR-VAKHSH: A Case of Cultural Appropriation as an Expression of Political Aspiration, pp. 136-151

Keywords: Andragoras, coins, Hyrkania-Parthia, Hellenistic monarchy, Seleukid Empire


In their seminal work of 1988, I.M. D’iakonov and E.V. Zeimal’ identified five series of coins – gold staters and tetradrachmas – issued by Andragoras, the Seleukid satrap of Parthia-Hyrkania, as part of his movement toward independence. Recently, O. Bordeaux added two series to this small corpus – a tetradrachma and an obol. Yet, the order in which these coins were minted and the interpretation of their historical significance has remained intact since they were conceived some three and a half decades ago. This article reevaluates the current numismatic reconstruction of Andragoras’ coins by proposing a different order in which they were issued. In so doing, the present study seeks to revise the chronology of Andragoras’ march toward independence. The intention of this approach is to lead to a new understanding of the chronological steps that Andragoras took to secure his aspiration of creating a Hellenistic monarchy that ultimately proved unsuccessful.