Volume 11 (2020)

Edited by Marek Jan Olbrycht


Front Matter, pp. 1-8


Mikhail Yu. Treister (Bonn, Germany), Ramil R. Vergazov (Moscow, Russia), Mikhail G. Tulubensky (Moscow, Russia) 

A Silver Achaemenid Rhyton from the South Urals: A Complex Archaeometallurgical Study and Modern Restoration, pp. 9-38

Michał Podrazik (Rzeszów University, Poland)

Xenophon on the Achaemenid gerrhophoroi, pp. 39-59

Michał Marciak (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland), Piotr Głogowski (University of Wrocław, Poland), Bartłomiej Szypuła (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland), Tomasz Pirowski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland), Giovanni Gomiero (Ghent University, Belgium)

Gaugamela in the Plains of Nineveh? The Southern Location of the Battle of Gaugamela Reconsidered, pp. 60-110

Tomasz Polański (Kraków, Poland)

From Central Iran to Petra: Hieronymus of Cardia, Eye-witness in Diodorus Siculus’ Book 19, pp. 111-135

Jeffrey D. Lerner (Wake Forest University, USA)

The Coinage of Andragoras (NRGWR) / VAKḤŠUVAR-VAKHSH: A Case of Cultural Appropriation as an Expression of Political Aspiration, pp. 136-151

Edvard V. Rtveladze (Uzbekistan)

Fortification System of Hellenistic States of Baktria. The Great Baktrian Wall of Antiochos I and Euthydemos I, pp. 152-164

Nicholas Victor Sekunda (Gdańsk University, Poland)

Thracians in the Attalid Army, pp. 165-181

Aydogdy Kurbanov (Free University Berlin, Germany), Jacopo Bruno (Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy)

Ovlia-depe: A New Parthian Site in Southern Turkmenistan (Preliminary Report), pp. 182-189

Andreas Mehl (Halle / Berlin, Germany)

Cornelius Nepos’ Lebensbeschreibungen und ihre Bedeutung angesichts Theorie und Kritik der Biographie in Antike und Moderne, pp. 190-241

Martin Schottky (Germany)

Vorarbeiten zu einer Königsliste Kaukasisch-Iberiens 7. Das Zeitalter des Wachtang Gorgasal, pp. 242-258


Aleksandr A. Sinitsyn (Saint Petersburg / Saratov, Russia), Igor E. Surikov (Moscow, Russia)

The Herodotus’ logoi on Ancient ethne: A New Collection of Papers on Ethnicity and Identity in Antiquity, pp. 261-284

Martin Schottky (Germany)

Ein neues Buch zu Kaukasisch-Iberien in der Spätantike, pp. 285-292


Pierre O. Juhel (France)

Waldemar Heckel, Johannes Heinrichs, Sabine Müller (eds.), with the collaboration of Michelle Simon, Lexicon of Argead Makedonia (LexAM), Berlin: Frank & Timme 2020, pp. 295-299

Julia Hoffmann-Salz (Germany)

Altay Coşkun, David Engels (eds.), Rome and the Seleucid East. Selected Papers from Seleukid Study Day V, Brussels, 21-23 August 2015, Collection Latomus 360, Brussels: Éditions Latomus 2019, pp. 300-303

Martin Schottky (Germany)

Robin Hämmerling, Zwischen dynastischem Selbstbild und literarischem Stereotyp. Königinnen der Seleukiden und der Mittelmächte Kleinasiens, Pharos. Studien zur griechisch-römischen Antike – 44, Rahden / Westfalen: Leidorf 2019, pp. 304-307

Abbreviations, pp. 309-311