
H3 Molecular Biology at NTU 

I am taking H3 Molecular Biology at NTU. Despite the long travelling time, I genuinely do not regret my decision because H3 has truly given me many insights regarding life as a researcher.

Harvard Medical School: Best Practices for Biomedical Research Certification

I took the initiative to explore my subject of interest by completing an online course organized by Harvard Medical School (on Canva Network) about Biomedical Research Data Management. The event taught me the most basic requirements of conducting research in terms of the technology required, ethical concerns and privacy, to build a proper foundation before I begin my journey at a research facility.

Nanyang Technological University: Science & Engineering Experience

In June 2022, I was attended the Science and Engineering experience at Nanyang Technological University. I attended 2 modules: Decarbonization in The Energy Sector: An Overview Towards 2050, Rediscovery of Metals and Their New Nanofrontiers. My favorite part was the laboratory experiments where the professors brought us to do hands-on experiments at the Nanyang Technological University Laboratories. It was my first time beyond a school laboratory and I was amazed at the machinery involved.