Servant Leadership Development

My favorite quote is "never be so clever you forget to be kind". It is a Taylor Swift lyric and it really resonates with me. I strongly believe that the secret to living is giving. Thus, I hope we all can contribute to causes greater than ourselves because that in itself is the greatest gift of all

Youth Action Challenge - Self Initiated Project on raising awareness for dementia

The Youth Action Challenge (YAC) held by the National Youth Council empowers youths to champion ground-up initiatives in partnership with government, businesses and community organisations. This event is held in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme and Citi Foundation. In a group of 5, we founded a project: Project Forget-Me-Not. Project Forget-Me-Not is a by youth-for youth initiative that aims to raise awareness regarding dementia among youths. Our team was given a grant of SGD 20,000 to carry out our project in 2023. 

UNICEF - Self Initiated Project on treatment towards Custodian Workers

In a committee of 4 students, we initiated a project regarding the treatment of custodian workers in schools. We registered this project under UNICEF's #StandTogether Kindness Project Competition, where we were declared one of the finalists. With this, we were granted RM 1,000 to carry out our project. Using this money, we supplied the custodian workers with care packages, creating an affirmations wall for the workers and recorded a video highlighting their importance in school communities. With this, we hope they will receive and students will show more kindness from now on and forevermore. 

President of Interact Club (Community Service Oriented Club) 

I had the privilege of serving as the President of the Interact Club of Wesley Methodist School for the fiscal year 2020/2021. My club consisted of 80 members, all of which were committed to serving the community With my Board of Directors, we raised RM 15,000 for parties affected by COVID-19. As the President, I was involved in overseeing all operations and mediating relations between club members. I was also part of the national Kuala Lumpur Interact Coordinating Council, which saw the participation of Presidents of different Interact Clubs all over the district. Although the leadership part was highly valuable, the memories that are most significant to me are the times of humble community service. 

Some of our Community Service efforts include cleaning up Dual Blessings disabled center and volunteering at Eldercare Petaling Jaya. 

Student Ambassador of Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International)

During the Immersion Exposure Program between my alma mater and Methodist College Hong Kong, I was a Student Ambassador and hosted students from Hong Kong. They attended classes with me and we exchanged views on our different cultures