Passions, Hobbies & Other Interests

National School Games 2022

WMSKL(I) Annual Cross Country

Dancesteps Studio Annual Concert

Malaysian National Schools World Schools Debating Championships (2021) - 5th Best Speaker

Malaya Interschool Debating Championship (2020) - 3rd Best Novice Speaker

Debate was a roller coaster ride I never thought I would be on. In 2020, at the age of 16, I attended my first debate competition. Although I started later than my peers, I persevered and managed to win the title of 3rd best novice speaker, best new speaker and our team made it to the semifinals. To keep up the momentum, I attended Debate Camps and read news articles every day. The competitions I attended after that were challenging and we definitely left many with nothing but experience. During the last competition of my secondary school life, however, I was fortunate enough to make it to the grand finals and receive the award of Overall 5th Best Speaker. This journey taught me to never give up because it doesn't matter when you started, all that matters is what you are going to do from here on. 

Youth Leadership and Business Summit (2018 and 2019)

In 2018, I was awarded a full Scholarship to attend this summit. The two-week summit, held in Sydney, Australia, encompassed many different areas from entrepreneurship and finance management to mental health and wellbeing. I am extremely grateful to this camp for exposing me to entrepreneurship at a young age. I also appreciate it teaching me the importance of mental wellbeing and showing kindness to those around you. Since the summit, I have been actively involved in raising awareness regarding mental health. In 2019, I was an active member in the Green Ribbon Mental Health Society and two years later, I was a youth leader at UNICEF during the #Standtogether Global Conference. These experiences all taught me to stand up and use my voice to advocate for what I believe in. In 2019, I returned to the summit as a Graduate, with the aim to give back to it as much as it had given to me. 

WMSKL(I) Annual Cross Country (2020) - Champion, Best Female Runner

Ever since I came in second for cross country in Primary 6, I have trained hard to match those results. In my final year, I was awarded Champion and Best Female Runner. Throughout the years, I represented my school in the district's selections for 7km Cross Country and 3000m run too. 

National School Games - First Runner-Up

In 2022, I had the honour of being accepted into St. Andrew's Junior College's Football Girls Team. I am very thankful to have played a role, albeit small, in the team's success at the 2022 National School Games. Football has shown me the importance of teamwork. My CCA teacher once told me a quote I'll remember for the rest of my life: we only go as far as our weakest player. This quote was very touching as it reminded me that no one is left behind and we are truly one family unbroken.

Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, Intermediate Foundation in Modern Dance - Merit

This year, I was awarded a Merit for Intermediate Foundation in Modern Dance by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD). Having danced since I was 5 years old, dance has always been a hobby of mine. I have explored many different genres such as Ballet, Contemporary, Hip-Hop and Modern dance. Dancing has taught me that beauty and creativity comes in many forms. For example, when I was 9, we incorporated sign language into our performance to promote inclusivity. As we advanced in our grades, we were given the liberty to choreograph our own pieces where we were given the chance to express ourselves in any way we chose. 

ABRSM Piano Grade 7, Distinction; ABRSM Music Theory Grade 8, Merit

SAJC Model United Nations

Youth Leadership and Business Summit

Malaya Interschool Debating Championship

Playing the Piano for Worship Sessions