Honours & Achievements

ASEAN Scholarship - Ministry of Education, Singapore

Top in Malaysia (Best Across 8) - Cambridge Examination Board

My following 8 subjects were considered: First language English (96%), Mathematics (99%), Additional Mathematics (99%), Biology (98%), Chemistry (99%), Physics (98%), Accounting (97%), Information Communication and Technology (ICT) (96%). Average was 97.75%. Regarding the allocation of award, the average of the best 8 subjects are taken, and the student(s) with the highest average in Malaysia receives the award.  

Global Mathematics Elite Competition - Overall Second Runner Up

In Year 11, I participated in the Global Mathematics Elite Competition for the Year 11-13 category. I was Overall Second Runner Up. 

International Junior Science Olympiad - Bronze Medalist

Malaysia Junior Science Olympiad - Champion

In Year 9, I was one of the 6 champions of the Malaysian Junior Science Olympiad who represented Malaysia at the International Junior Science Olympiad in Doha, Qatar. Our team was fully sponsored to represent our country and I returned with a Bronze Medal. 

During this competition, I was really lucky to meet incredible people from over 15 countries. This competition not only taught me the intricacies of science, it taught me the importance of appreciating our differences. Although I am very grateful to have been part of the award ceremony, the memories with my teammates, the hardships of the 8am to 10pm training camps, the late night conversations with the friends I made from other countries, the performance we did showcasing Malaysia's culture to students all over the world, all these are the things I will truly treasure forever.

Other Science and Mathematics Olympiads 

Singapore Biology Olympuad (2022) - Represented School at a Local Event

Singapore Chemistry Olympiad (2022) - Represented School at a Local Event

Singapore Mathematics Olympiad (2022) - Represented School at a Local Event