Value Analysis

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Value Analysis

The case studies analyzed communication strategies of the following European AmChams:

  • AmCham Sweden

  • AmCham Germany

  • AmCham Poland

  • AmCham Hungary

  • AmCham Bulgaria

Qualitative analyses were done on specific aspects of each category (Website, Annual Report, Social Media, Events, Crisis Communication) to identify the quality of all statistical content, key features, and communication.

The graph above summarizes the findings from the value analysis. Once all the scores were totaled for each AmCham, the AmCham's were assigned a relative score that represented how they compared to AmCham Romania. Evidently, AmCham Romania was relatively comparable across all areas in this case study. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that there is a relatively small deviation between the various AmCham member communication rankings. For instance, all the AmCham's rank within 2 points of AmCham Romania besides AmCham Bulgaria. However, when including all the different categories, only AmCham Sweden appeared to present better member communications than AmCham Romania with a very strong website and good crisis communications.