
Home > Results > Recommendations


After reviewing and assessing our case studies and heuristic analysis of the AmCham websites, we came to the following suggestions for AmCham Romania’s website:

  1. On the calendar, create pop up windows showing events on the day as opposed to loading a new page (similar to Bulgaria’s)

  2. Don’t have drop down tabs locked when clicked

  3. Have links to external sites open in a new tab

  4. Make sure that all pages, specifically the “About AmCham Romania” page, can be navigated to from the homepage of the website

  5. Update statistics wherever they can be found, to be consistent across the website.

  6. Make all hyperlinks clear and easy to understand (possibly need to rename some of them)

  7. Fix any glitches (disappearing icons and overlapping tabs)

  8. Fix the top left corner menu tabs so that they are the same as the main menu tabs on the homepage

  9. Clarify the membership links so that users know what form they will be opening when they click the link

  10. Find a way to condense article titles to relieve the clutter on some of the pages but still get the main idea across to the user (AmCham Poland did this well)

  11. Try to find a balance of information across the pages by distributing information better between longer and shorter pages

  12. Shorten the head banner on the homepage so it doesn’t take up the entire screen on the homepage

  13. Fix the banner on the homepage so that any images on it can be visible with ad-blocker enabled

  14. If the ad-block issue is not fixable, add a message saying that the images can be viewed if ad-blocker is turned off

  15. If no results are found for a search, have a message indicating there were no results

  16. Get the search algorithm to first search the website for related pages on the website before it begins searching for related news articles

Social Media

After reviewing and assessing our case studies of the AmCham Social Media pages, we came to the following suggestions for AmCham Romania’s Social Media:

  1. Feature members on different social media posts

    1. Can be broken up into featuring 10 companies/week or to feature them based upon industry

    2. #MemberMondays, #FeatureFridays

  2. Post about new members once they join

  3. Posts highlighting start-ups

  4. Post monthly recaps about what happened and/or what was accomplished during the past month

  5. Gather quotes from the members about how AmCham Romania helped them or why they joined AmCham Romania to post