Expansion Road Map

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Creating a Rules and Regulations Website

In order to clearly and effectively communicate to AmCham Romania’s members how to expand their business into the United States, we made a website using all of the information that had been gathered regarding state and federal laws and regulations. The main point of the website is to put any information a company or start-up may want to understand the expansion process in a single location.

Expanding a business into the U.S. requires the following and understanding of many different laws and regulations regarding issues such as labor, product quality, and financial issues. These laws and regulations differ for each state and may be difficult to understand and follow and they may be different than those in Europe. Since there are so many different forms of legislation to follow, the creation of a website to act as a library of information would allow for all of the information to be in a centralized location and be presented in a way that is easy to navigate. To create the website, we used Google Sites as it is easy to use and can be easily updated by the AmCham Romania staff once this project is completed.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the website, the group performed a Nielsen's Heuristics evaluation. From the results of this evaluation, the group performed some needed adjustments and fixed minor details to improve the overall quality of the website.

Mock website

Rough Draft of Deliverable Website

Working alongside the AmCham Romania staff, the IQP team was able to determine the most important information that needed to be accessible to AmCham members. The team then worked to prioritize and classify the different resources. As a result, the team came up with a mock website to be presented to the AmCham staff.