The V.M.L.

A Library of Other manufacturer's Workshop and User manuals

Please click on the relevant title to see that vehicle manufacturer's manuals folder

If you have any manuals that you'd like to donate, drop me a line at

Thanks to all those who have shared so far

I believe in the free exchange of manuals - to help keep old vehicles out of the scrap yards.

You are welcome to download the files offered here. I would hope that you would offer any files that you have or know of in this free exchange. 

If you have any old vehicle manuals, and you pass them to the County archive or a vehicle museum - there is every chance that they will never see the light of day again. Or, they will be scanned as low quality jpegs that are illegible to read.

If you have paper manuals, preferably original manuals rather than poor photocopies, then I can scan them to Searchable PDF and get the originals back to you - or pass them on to the relevant County Archive once scanned.